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광동어 도서관 6661-1510

3001 ~ 4000 3001 顱 LOU4 skull 3002 饒 YIU4 bountiful, abundant, plentiful 3003 驀 MAK6 suddenly, quickly, abruptly 3004 鴦 YEUNG1 female mandarin duck 3005 鴛 YUN1 male mandarin duck 3006 鷹 YING1 eagle, falcon 3007 鹽 YIM4 salt 3008 于 YU1 in, on, at; go to; surname 3009 亨 HANG1 smoothly, progressing, no trouble 3010 仆 FU6 PUK1 fall forward; lie prostrate, prone; servant 3011 俏 CHIU3 like, similar; resemble; pret.. 더보기
2001 ~ 3000 2001 彌 MEI4 NEI4 extensive, full; fill; complete 2002 悟 NG6 apprehend, realize, become aware 2003 扯 CHE2 rip up, tear down; raise; haul 2004 掀 HIN1 lift, raise; stir 2005 摺 JIP3 fold, bend; twisted, curved 2006 擱 GOK3 place, put, lay down; delay 2007 攀 PAAN1 climb; pull; hang on to 2008 攤 TAAN1 spread out, open; apportion 2009 旨 JI2 purpose, aim; excellent 2010 晃 FONG2 bright, dazzling; to sway,.. 더보기
1001 ~ 2000 1001 掌 JEUNG2 palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 1002 損 SYUN2 diminish; impair; injure 1003 潮 CHIU4 tide; moist, wet, damp; flow 1004 牙 NGA4 tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 1005 脫 TYUT3 take off, peel off, strip 1006 詞 CHI4 words; phrase, expression! 1007 哈 HA1 sound of laughter 1008 患 WAAN6 suffer, worry about; suffering 1009 端 DYUN1 end, extreme; head; beginning 1010 篇 PIN1 chapter, section, essay.. 더보기
1 ~ 1000 1 的 DIK1 possessive, adjectival suffix 2 一 YAT1 number one 3 是 SI6 indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 4 不 BAT1 no, not; un-; negative prefix 5 人 YAN4 man; people; mankind; someone else 6 有 YAU5 have, own, possess; exist 7 在 JOI6 be at, in, on; consist in, rest 8 了 LIU5 to finish; particle of completed action 9 我 NGO5 our, us, i, me, my, we 10 中 JUNG1 JUNG3 central; cent.. 더보기
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