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광동어 도서관 6661-1510

1001 ~ 2000

1001 掌 JEUNG2 palm of hand, sole of foot, paw
1002 損 SYUN2 diminish; impair; injure
1003 潮 CHIU4 tide; moist, wet, damp; flow
1004 牙 NGA4 tooth, molars, teeth; serrated
1005 脫 TYUT3 take off, peel off, strip
1006 詞 CHI4 words; phrase, expression!
1007 哈 HA1 sound of laughter
1008 患 WAAN6 suffer, worry about; suffering
1009 端 DYUN1 end, extreme; head; beginning
1010 篇 PIN1 chapter, section, essay, article
1011 醒 SING2 wake up; sober up; startle
1012 楊 YEUNG4 willow, poplar, aspen; surname
1013 秘 BEI3 secret, mysterious, abstruce
1014 圈 HYUN1 to circle; a circle; corral
1015 寶 BOU2 treasure, jewel; precious, rare
1016 抱 POU5 embrace, hold in arms, enfold
1017 淡 DAAM6 TAAM5 weak, watery; insipid, tasteless
1018 簽 CHIM1 sign, endorse; slip of paper
1019 卡 KAAT3 card, punch card; calorie
1020 招 JIU1 beckon, summon; recruit, levy
1021 汽 HEI3 steam, vapor, gas
1022 睛 JING1 eyeball; pupil of eye
1023 趕 GON2 pursue, follow; expel,drive away
1024 載 JOI3 load; carry; transport, convey
1025 降 GONG3 HONG4 descend, fall, drop; lower, down
1026 鼓 GU2 drum; beat, top, strike
1027 板 BAAN2 plank, board; iron or tin plate
1028 欣 YAN1 happy, joyous, delighted
1029 乘 SING4 ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles
1030 固 GU3 become solid, solidify; strength
1031 尼 NEI4 buddhist nun; transliteration
1032 洗 SAI2 wash, rinse; clean, purify
1033 訊 SEUN3 inquire; ask; examine; reproach
1034 貼 TIP3 paste to, stick on; attached to
1035 郭 GWOK3 outer part (of a city); surname
1036 頂 DENG2 DING2 top, peak; carry on head; very
1037 擺 BAAI2 put, place; display; swing, sway
1038 玉 YUK6 jade, precious stone, gem
1039 膠 GAAU1 glue, gum, resin, rubber
1040 隔 GAAK3 separate, partition
1041 志 JI3 purpose, will, determination
1042 旅 LEUI5 trip, journey; travel; traveler
1043 滋 JI1 grow, multiply, increase; thrive
1044 澳 OU3 inlet, bay; dock, bank
1045 築 JUK1 build, erect; building
1046 臨 LAM4 draw near, approach; descend
1047 補 BOU2 mend, patch, fix, repair,restore
1048 輸 SYU1 transport, carry, haul
1049 髮 FAAT3 hair
1050 挑 TIU1 load carried on shoulders; carry
1051 田 TIN4 field, arable land, cultivated
1052 編 PIN1 knit, weave; arrange; compile
1053 緣 YUN4 hem, margin; reason, cause; karma, fate
1054 互 WU6 mutually, reciprocally
1055 呀 A1 particle used express surprise
1056 惡 NGOK3 OK3 WU1 WU3 evil, wicked, bad, foul
1057 泥 NAI4 mud, mire; earth, clay; plaster
1058 硬 NGAANG6 hard, firm, strong; obstinate
1059 緩 WUN6 slow, leisurely; postpone, delay
1060 藏 CHONG4 JONG6 hide, conceal; hoard, store up
1061 齊 CHAI4 even, uniform, of equal length
1062 努 NOU5 exert, strive, make effort; pout
1063 堆 DEUI1 heap, pile, crowd; pile up
1064 榮 WING4 glory, honor; flourish, prosper
1065 檢 GIM2 check; examine
1066 淚 LEUI6 tears; weep, cry
1067 賺 JAAN6 make money, earn; gain, profit
1068 靠 KAAU3 lean on, trust, depend on; near
1069 鬥 DAU3 struggle, fight, compete,contend
1070 倫 LEUN4 normal human relationships
1071 偏 PIN1 inclined one side; slanting
1072 植 JIK6 plant, trees, plants; grow
1073 甘 GAM1 sweetness; sweet, tasty
1074 申 SAN1 to state to a superior, report; extend; ninth terrestrial branch
1075 縮 SUK1 contract, draw in, reduce
1076 賽 CHOI3 compete, contend; contest, race
1077 伯 BAAK3 older brother; father's elder brother; senior male "sire"; feudal rank "count"
1078 寧 NING4 repose, serentiy, peace;peaceful
1079 岸 NGON6 bank, shore; beach, coast
1080 恨 HAN6 hatred, dislike; resent, hate
1081 鬧 NAAU6 quarrel; dispute hotly
1082 刺 CHI3 stab; prick, irritate; prod
1083 危 NGAI4 dangerous, precarious; high
1084 輪 LEUN4 wheel; revolve, turn; recur
1085 鄉 HEUNG1 country; rural; village
1086 倍 PUI5 times, fold, multiple times
1087 宗 JUNG1 lineage, ancestry; ancestor,clan
1088 折 JIT3 break off, snap; bend
1089 握 AK1 grasp, hold fast, take by hand
1090 穩 WAN2 stable, firm, solid, steady
1091 訓 FAN3 teach, instruct; exegesis
1092 伴 BUN6 PUN5 companion, comrade, partner; accompany
1093 塞 CHOI3 SAK1 stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress
1094 妻 CHAI1 wife
1095 繁 FAAN4 complicated, complex, difficult
1096 婆 PO4 old woman; grandmother
1097 廿 NIM6 YE6 twenty, twentieth
1098 彩 CHOI2 hue, color; variegated colors
1099 暫 JAAM6 temporary
1100 村 CHYUN1 village, hamlet; uncouth, vulgar
1101 殊 SYU4 different, special, unusual
1102 濃 NUNG4 thick, strong, concentrated
1103 盤 PUN4 tray, plate, dish; examine
1104 竹 JUK1 bamboo; flute; radical no. 118
1105 耀 YIU6 shine, sparkle, dazzle; glory
1106 鬆 SUNG1 lax, loose; loosen, relax
1107 傾 KING1 upset, pour out, overflow
1108 哭 HUK1 weep, cry, wail
1109 弄 LUNG6 do, play or fiddle with; alley
1110 弟 DAI6 young brother; junior; i, me
1111 束 CHUK1 bind, control, restrain; bale
1112 薪 SAN1 fuel, firewood; salary
1113 針 JAM1 needle; pin; tack; acupuncture
1114 厚 HAU5 thick; substantial; greatly
1115 珠 JYU1 precious stone, gem, jewel,pearl
1116 詢 SEUN1 inquire into, ask about; consult
1117 飲 YAM2 drink; swallow; kind of drink
1118 亡 MONG4 death, destroyed; lose, perish
1119 染 YIM5 dye; be contagious; infect
1120 肥 FEI4 fat, plump, obese; fertile
1121 胡 WU4 recklessly, foolishly; wildly
1122 跌 DIT3 stumble, slip, fall down; stamp
1123 踏 DAAP6 step on, trample, tread on, walk
1124 坡 BO1 slope, bank, hillside
1125 掛 GWA3 hang, suspend; suspense
1126 智 JI3 wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
1127 虛 HEUI1 false, worthless; empty, hollow
1128 吹 CHEUI1 blow; puff; brag, boast
1129 彷 FONG2 PONG4 like, resembling; resemble
1130 杯 BUI1 cup, glass
1131 航 HONG4 sail; navigate; ship, boat
1132 鮮 SIN1 fresh, new, delicious; rare, few
1133 寂 JIK6 still, silent, quiet, desolate
1134 幻 WAAN6 illusion, fantasy, mirage
1135 抵 DAI2 resist, oppose; deny; off-set
1136 搖 YIU4 wag, swing, wave; shake; scull
1137 架 GA2 GA3 rack, stand, prop; prop up
1138 橋 KIU4 bridge; beam, crosspiece
1139 舒 SYU1 open up, unfold, stretch out
1140 距 KEUI5 distance; bird's spur
1141 迫 BAAK1 coerce, force, compel; urgent
1142 閒 HAAN4 peaceful, tranquil, calm
1143 隱 YAN2 hide, conceal; hidden, secret
1144 刊 HON2 publication, periodical; publish
1145 皆 GAAI1 all, every, everybody
1146 罵 MA6 accuse, blame, curse, scold
1147 薄 BOK6 thin, slight, weak; poor, stingy
1148 赤 CHEK3 red; communist, "red"; bare
1149 雞 GAI1 chickens; domestic fowl
1150 偉 WAI5 great, robust; extraordinary
1151 昇 SING1 rise, ascent; peaceful; peace
1152 曬 SAAI3 dry in sun, expose to sun
1153 煮 JYU2 cook
1154 煩 FAAN4 bother, vex, trouble;troublesome
1155 琴 KAM4 chinese lute or guitar
1156 盛 SING4 SING6 abundant, flourishing; contain; fill
1157 範 FAAN6 pattern, model, rule, law
1158 辛 SAN1 bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th of the heavenly stems
1159 遍 PIN3 everywhere, all over, throughout
1160 遲 CHI4 late, tardy; slow; delay
1161 圓 YUN4 circle; round, circular; complete
1162 悲 BEI1 sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
1163 碧 BIK1 jade; green, blue
1164 輝 FAI1 brightness, luster, brilliance
1165 遺 WAI4 lose; articles lost; omit
1166 啦 LA1 final particle of assertion
1167 垃 LAAP6 garbage, refuse, waste
1168 游 YAU4 swim; float, drift; wander, roam
1169 茶 CHA4 tea
1170 俗 JUK6 social customs; vulgar,unrefined
1171 廳 TENG1 hall, central room
1172 桌 CHEUK3 table, desk, stand
1173 桃 TOU4 peach; marriage; surname
1174 皇 WONG4 royal, imperial; ruler, superior
1175 粉 FAN2 powder, face powder; plaster
1176 純 SEUN4 pure, clean, simple
1177 績 JIK1 spin; achievements
1178 聚 JEUI6 assemble, meet together, collect
1179 菲 FEI1 fragrant, luxuriant; philippines
1180 裁 CHOI4 cut out; decrease
1181 嘗 SEUNG4 taste; experience, experiment
1182 巧 HAAU2 skillful, ingenious, clever
1183 徒 TOU4 disciple, follower; go on foot
1184 揚 YEUNG4 scatter, spread; praise
1185 材 CHOI4 material, stuff; timber; talent
1186 泳 WING6 dive; swim
1187 罷 BA6 cease, finish, stop; give up
1188 促 CHUK1 urge, press, hurry; close
1189 借 JE3 borrow; lend; make pretext of
1190 兌 DEUI3 cash; exchange, barter; weight
1191 博 BOK3 gamble, play games; wide, broad
1192 圾 SAAP3 garbage, rubbish; shaking; danger
1193 姿 JI1 one's manner, carriage, bearing
1194 干 GON1 oppose, offend; invade; dried
1195 擴 KWONG3 expand, enlarge, stretch
1196 救 GAU3 save, rescue, relieve; help, aid
1197 涼 LEUNG4 cool, cold; disheartened
1198 麻 MA4 hemp, jute, flax; sesame
1199 典 DIN2 law, canon; documentation; class
1200 夾 GAAP3 be wedged or inserted between
1201 潛 CHIM4 hide; hidden, secret, latent
1202 複 FUK1 repeat, double, overlap
1203 乏 FAT6 lack; poor
1204 圳 JAN3 furrow in field, small drainage
1205 巨 GEUI6 large, great, enormous; chief
1206 悉 SIK1 know, learn about, comprehend
1207 湖 WU4 lake; hubei, hunan; bluish-green
1208 灰 FUI1 ashes; dust; lime, mortar
1209 番 FAAN1 PUN1 take turns; turn, a time; repeat
1210 諸 JYU1 several, various;
1211 鵬 PAANG4 fabulous bird of enormous size
1212 偷 TAU1 to steal, burglar, thief
1213 冬 DUNG1 winter, 11th lunar month
1214 嘴 JEUI2 mouth, lips
1215 奧 OU3 mysterious, obscure, profound
1216 彿 FAT1 resembling, like, as if
1217 撥 BUT6 move; dispel; distribute; plectrum, play stringed instrument
1218 盾 TEUN5 shield; dutch guilder; indonesia
1219 碎 SEUI3 break, smash; broken, busted
1220 雅 NGA5 elegant, graceful, refined
1221 妹 MUI6 younger sister
1222 寄 GEI3 send, transmit, mail; rely on
1223 審 SAM2 examine, investigate; judge
1224 徵 JING1 summon, recruit; musical note
1225 渡 DOU6 cross, ferry over; ferry
1226 矛 MAAU4 spear, lance; radical no. 110
1227 租 JOU1 rent, lease; rental; tax
1228 封 FUNG1 letter, envelope; feudal
1229 扮 BAAN6 dress up; dress up as
1230 涉 SIP3 ford stream, wade across
1231 盟 MANG4 swear; oath, covenant, alliance
1232 鬼 GWAI2 ghost; spirit of dead; devil
1233 孔 HUNG2 opening, hole, orifice; great
1234 屆 GAAI3 numerary adjunct for time, term
1235 拖 TO1 drag, tow, haul; delay, prolong
1236 攝 SIP3 take in, absorb; act as deputy; administer, assist
1237 昏 FAN1 dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark
1238 欄 LAAN4 railing, balustrade; animal pan
1239 甜 TIM4 sweet, sweetness
1240 蛋 DAAN2 eggs; term of abuse; dam
1241 麥 MAK6 wheat, barley, oats; rad. no 199
1242 君 GWAN1 sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief
1243 憑 PANG4 lean on, depend on, rely on
1244 氏 SI6 clan, family; mister
1245 浮 FAU4 float, drift, waft; exceed, over
1246 混 WAN6 mix, blend, mingle; bumble along
1247 狗 GAU2 dog, canis familiaris
1248 符 FU4 i.d. tag, tally, symbol, charm
1249 脹 JEUNG3 swell, inflate, expand
1250 阻 JO2 impede, hinder, obstruct; oppose
1251 頗 PO2 lean one side; very, rather
1252 妙 MIU6 mysterious, subtle; exquisite
1253 姑 GU1 father's sister;husband's mother
1254 幼 YAU3 infant, young child; immature
1255 徑 GING3 narrow path; diameter; direct
1256 悠 YAU4 long, far, remote, distant, far-
1257 憶 YIK1 remember, reflect upon; memory
1258 暴 BOU6 violent, brutal, tyrannical
1259 牆 CHEUNG4 wall
1260 疲 PEI4 feel tired, be exhausted; weak
1261 耐 NOI6 endure, bear; resist; patient
1262 貿 MAU6 trade, barter; mixed; rashly
1263 趨 CHEUI1 hasten, hurry; be attracted to
1264 伊 YI1 third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
1265 姻 YAN1 relatives by marriage
1266 孤 GU1 orphan, fatherless; solitary
1267 寬 FUN1 broad, wide; spacious, vast
1268 摸 MO2 gently touch with hand; caress
1269 旦 DAAN3 dawn; morning; day
1270 濕 SAP1 wet, moist, humid, damp; illness
1271 燒 SIU1 burn; bake; heat; roast
1272 袋 DOI6 pocket, bag, sack, pouch
1273 軟 YUN5 soft, flexible, pliable; weak
1274 辯 BIN6 dispute, argue, debate, discuss
1275 兵 BING1 soldier, troops
1276 媒 MUI4 go-between, matchmaker; medium
1277 帝 DAI3 supreme ruler, emperor; god
1278 幕 MOK6 curtain, screen, tent
1279 朗 LONG5 clear, bright; distinct
1280 柱 CHYU5 pillar, post; support; lean on
1281 污 WU1 filthy, dirty, impure, polluted
1282 漢 HON3 chinese people; chinese language
1283 爆 BAAU3 crackle, pop, burst, explode
1284 牠 TA1 it
1285 飾 SIK1 decorate, ornament, adorn; to decieve
1286 橫 WAANG4 across, horizontal, lateral
1287 膽 DAAM2 gall bladder; bravery, courage
1288 諮 JI1 consult, confer; communicate in
1289 販 FAAN3 peddler, hawker, street merchant
1290 賓 BAN1 guest, visitor; surname; submit
1291 陷 HAM6 submerge, sink, plunge; trap
1292 准 JEUN2 approve, allow, permit; in accord
1293 啊 A3 exclamatory particle
1294 奪 DYUT6 take by force, rob, snatch
1295 措 CHOU3 place; collect, arrange; employ
1296 晶 JING1 crystal; clear, bright; radiant
1297 柬 GAAN2 letter, invitation; choose
1298 欲 YUK6 desire, want, long for; intend
1299 泛 FAAN3 drift, float; careless, reckless
1300 碰 PUNG3 collide, bump into
1301 窮 KUNG4 poor, destitute, impoverished
1302 粗 CHOU1 rough, thick, course; rude
1303 閉 BAI3 shut, close; obstruct, block up
1304 儘 JEUN2 utmost
1305 冒 MOU6 risk, brave, dare
1306 域 WIK6 district, region, boundary; land
1307 娘 NEUNG4 mother; young girl; woman; wife
1308 敏 MAN5 fast, quick, clever, smart
1309 晨 SAN4 early morning, daybreak
1310 祖 JOU2 ancestor, forefather;grandfather
1311 荒 FONG1 wasteland, desert; uncultivated
1312 衡 HANG4 measure, weigh, judge, consider
1313 覆 FUK1 cover; tip over; return; reply
1314 辭 CHI4 words, speech, expression!,phrase
1315 返 FAAN2 return, revert to, restore
1316 閃 SIM2 flash; avoid, dodge, evade
1317 填 TIN4 fill in, fill up; make good
1318 憲 HIN3 constitution, statute, law
1319 櫃 GWAI6 cupboard, wardrobe, counter
1320 泡 POU5 bubbles, suds; blister; soak
1321 津 JEUN1 ferry; saliva; ford
1322 瓜 GWA1 melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97
1323 陰 YAM1 "female" principle; dark; secret
1324 飄 PIU1 whirlwind, cyclone; floating
1325 佈 BOU3 spread, publicize, announce
1326 援 YUN4 WUN4 aid, assist; lead; cite
1327 旗 KEI4 banner, flag, streamer
1328 析 SIK1 split wood; break apart; divide
1329 累 LEUI6 tired; implicate, involve;bother
1330 諾 NOK6 promise; assent, approve
1331 貌 MAAU6 countenance, appearance
1332 戴 DAAI3 wear on top; support
1333 抑 YIK1 press down, repress;curb, hinder
1334 播 BO3 sow, spread; broadcast; case away, reject
1335 操 CHOU1 conduct, run, control, manage
1336 擠 JAI1 crowd, squeeze, push against
1337 槍 CHEUNG1 spear, lance; gun, rifle
1338 淨 JING6 pure, clean, unsoiled
1339 稍 SAAU2 little, slightly; rather
1340 稿 GOU2 draft, manuscript, rough copy
1341 裂 LIT6 split, crack, break open; rend
1342 邀 YIU1 invite, welcome; meet, intercept
1343 彼 BEI2 that, there, those
1344 怨 YUN3 hatred, enmity, resentment
1345 憂 YAU1 sad, grieved; grief, melancholy
1346 拒 KEUI5 ward off with hand, defend
1347 沖 CHUNG1 pour, infuse, steep; wash away
1348 狂 KWONG4 insane, mad; violent; wild
1349 融 YUNG4 melt, fuse; blend, harmonize
1350 謝 JE6 thank; decline
1351 讚 JAAN3 praise, commend, eulogize
1352 伸 SAN1 extend, stretch out, open up; trust
1353 塵 CHAN4 dust, dirt, ashes, cinders
1354 姓 SING3 one's family name; clan, people
1355 寒 HON4 cold, wintry, chilly
1356 徹 CHIT3 penetrate, pervade; penetrating
1357 授 SAU6 give to, transmit; confer
1358 添 TIM1 append, add to; increase
1359 胸 HUNG1 breast, bosom, chest; thorax
1360 藉 JIK6 mat, pad; rely on; pretext
1361 遙 YIU4 far away, distant, remote
1362 酸 SYUN1 tart, sour; acid; stiff; spoiled
1363 陪 PUI4 accompany, be with, keep company
1364 丈 JEUNG6 unit of length equal 3.3 meters; gentleman, man, husband
1365 仙 SIN1 taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal
1366 儲 CHYU5 save money, store, reserve; heir
1367 冰 BING1 ice; ice-cold
1368 劉 LAU4 surname; kill, destroy
1369 劍 GIM3 sword, dagger, saber
1370 厭 YIM3 dislike, detest, reject; satiate
1371 奶 NAAI5 milk; woman's breasts; nurse
1372 潤 YEUN6 soft, moist; sleek; freshen
1373 紹 SIU6 continue, carry on; hand down; to join
1374 脂 JI1 fat, grease, lard; grease
1375 醉 JEUI3 intoxicated, drunk; addicted to
1376 閱 YUT6 examine, inspect, review, read
1377 震 JAN3 shake, quake, tremor; excite
1378 劣 LYUT3 bad, inferior; slightly
1379 勵 LAI6 strive; encourage
1380 尖 JIM1 sharp, pointed, acute, keen
1381 悶 MUN6 gloomy, depressed, melancholy
1382 抹 MAAT3 MUT3 smear, apply, wipe off, erase
1383 炸 JA3 fry in oil; scald
1384 焦 JIU1 burned, scorched; anxious, vexed
1385 爛 LAAN6 rotten, spoiled, decayed
1386 糊 WU4 paste, stick on with paste
1387 郵 YAU4 postal, mail; post office
1388 闊 FUT3 broad, ample, wide; be apart
1389 雪 SYUT3 snow; wipe away shame, avenge
1390 債 JAAI3 debt, loan, liabilities
1391 獎 JEUNG2 prize, reward; give award to
1392 尾 MEI5 tail, extremity; end, stern
1393 幽 YAU1 quiet, secluded, tranquil; dark
1394 延 YIN4 delay, postpone, defer
1395 斤 GAN1 catty; axe; keen, shrewd; rad 69
1396 末 MUT6 final, last, end; insignificant
1397 汗 HON4 HON6 perspiration, sweat
1398 洞 DUNG6 cave, grotto; ravine; hole
1399 盈 YING4 fill; full, overflowing; surplus
1400 秀 SAU3 ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful
1401 籌 CHAU4 chip, tally, token; raise money
1402 顏 NGAAN4 face, facial appearance
1403 乃 NAAI5 then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely
1404 儀 YI4 ceremony, rites gifts; admire
1405 吳 NG4 one of warring states; surname
1406 坦 TAAN2 flat, smooth; self-possessed
1407 宮 GUNG1 palace, temple, dwelling,enclose
1408 廈 HA6 big building, mansion
1409 插 CHAAP3 insert, stick into; plant
1410 殘 CHAAN4 injure, spoil; oppress; broken
1411 牽 HIN1 drag, pull, lead by hand
1412 璃 LEI4 glass
1413 癌 NGAAM4 cancer; marmoset, hapole jacchus
1414 眉 MEI4 eyebrows; upper margin of book
1415 稀 HEI1 rare, unusual, scarce; sparse
1416 謀 MAU4 plan, scheme; strategem
1417 豪 HOU4 brave, heroic, chivalrous
1418 違 WAI4 disobey, violate, defy; be apart
1419 鮑 BAAU6 abalone; dried fish; surname
1420 偽 NGAI6 false, counterfeit, bogus
1421 奈 NOI6 but, how; bear, stand, endure
1422 奮 FAN5 strive, exert effort; arouse
1423 欠 HIM3 owe, lack, be deficient; rad. 76
1424 毒 DUK6 poison, venom; poisonous
1425 池 CHI4 pool, pond; moat; cistern
1426 湧 YUNG2 well up; gush forth; rise
1427 疏 SO1 neglect; careless, lax
1428 絡 LOK3 enmesh, wrap around; web, net
1429 聖 SING3 holy, sacred; sage
1430 袖 JAU6 sleeve; put something in sleeve
1431 褲 FU3 trousers, pants
1432 貪 TAAM1 greedy, covet; covetous
1433 遭 JOU1 come across, meet with,encounter
1434 仁 YAN4 humaneness, benevolence, kindness
1435 兼 GIM1 unite, combine; connect; and
1436 劑 JAI1 medicinal preparation
1437 勇 YUNG6 brave, courageous, fierce
1438 嬰 YING1 baby, infant; bother
1439 曉 HIU2 dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit
1440 獄 YUK6 prison, jail; case ; lawsuit
1441 珍 JAN1 precious, valuable, rare
1442 緒 SEUI5 end of thread; thread
1443 齡 LING4 age; years
1444 哲 JIT3 wise, sagacious; wise man, sage
1445 妥 TO5 satisfactory, appropriate
1446 慕 MOU6 long for, desire; admire
1447 慰 WAI3 comfort, console, calm
1448 扣 KAU3 knock, strike, rap, tap; button
1449 搶 CHEUNG2 plunder, rob, take by force
1450 敦 DEUI6 DEUN1 esteem; honest, candid, sincere
1451 沿 YUN4 follow course, go along
1452 猶 YAU4 like, similar to, just like, as
1453 網 MONG5 net, web; network
1454 蕩 DONG6 pond, pool; wash away, cleanse
1455 賴 LAAI6 rely, depend on; accuse falsely
1456 遷 CHIN1 move, shift, change; transfer
1457 鞋 HAAI4 shoes, footwear in general
1458 鼻 BEI6 nose; first; radical no. 209
1459 仰 YEUNG5 raise the head to look; look up to, rely on, admire
1460 刀 DOU1 knife; old coin; measure
1461 埋 MAAI4 bury, secrete, conceal
1462 壯 JONG3 big, large; robust;name of tribe
1463 怒 NOU6 anger, rage, passion; angry
1464 惱 NOU5 angered, filled with hate
1465 搭 DAAP3 join together, attach to; add to
1466 縱 JUNG3 indulge in, give free reign to
1467 艷 YIM6 beautiful, sexy, voluptuous
1468 魂 WAN4 soul, spirit
1469 側 JAK1 side; incline, slant, lean
1470 冊 CHAAK3 book, volume
1471 吐 TOU3 vomit, spew out, cough up
1472 壁 BIK1 partition wall; walls of house
1473 妨 FONG4 interfere with, impede, obstruct
1474 峰 FUNG1 peak, summit; hump of camel
1475 廚 CHEUI4 CHYU4 kitchen; closet; cupboard
1476 彤 TUNG4 red, vermilion; name of ancient
1477 恩 YAN1 kindness, mercy, charity
1478 拾 SAP6 pick up, collect, tidy up; ten
1479 椅 YI2 chair, seat
1480 殖 JIK6 breed, spawn; increase; prosper
1481 玻 BO1 glass
1482 纏 CHIN4 wrap, wind around; tie, bind
1483 肚 TOU5 belly; abdomen; bowels
1484 蒙 MUNG4 cover; ignorant;suffer; mongolia
1485 貧 PAN4 poor, impoverished, needy
1486 輛 LEUNG2 numerary adjunct for vehicles
1487 駛 SAI2 sail, drive, pilot; fast, quick
1488 唔 M4 NG4 hold in mouth; bite
1489 培 PUI4 bank up with dirt; cultivate
1490 宇 YU5 house; building, structure;eaves
1491 巳 JI6 sixth of twelve branches; the hours from 9 to 11
1492  DIU2 to fuck (cantonese); slang
1493 慘 CHAAM2 sad, pitiful, wretched; cruel
1494 托 TOK3 hold up with palm; support; rely
1495 瓶 PING4 jug, pitcher, vase, jar, bottle
1496 療 LIU4 be healed, cured, recover
1497 糖 TONG2 TONG4 sugar; candy; sweets
1498 肩 GIN1 shoulders; to shoulder; bear
1499 誌 JI3 write down; record; magazine
1500 豈 HEI2 how? what?
1501 駕 GA3 drive, sail, fly; cart, carriage
1502 魯 LOU5 foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
1503 鳥 NIU5 bird; radical no. 196
1504 剩 SING6 leftovers, residue, remains
1505 匈 HUNG1 breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the hsiung nu "huns"
1506 卓 CHEUK3 profound, brilliant, lofty
1507 嚇 HAAK3 scare, frighten; intimidate
1508 垂 SEUI4 let down; suspend, hand; down
1509 忌 GEI6 jealous, envious; fear
1510 愁 SAU4 anxiety; worry about, be anxious
1511 拜 BAAI3 do obeisance, bow, kowtow
1512 搬 BUN1 transfer, move, remove, shift
1513 敵 DIK6 enemy, foe, rival; resist
1514 滑 WAAT6 slip, slide; slippery, polished
1515 礙 NGOI6 obstruct, hinder, block, deter
1516 腰 YIU1 waist; kidney
1517 跡 JIK1 search, track, trace
1518 踢 TEK3 kick
1519 酬 CHAU4 toast; reward, recompense
1520 伏 FUK6 crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal
1521 併 BING3 combine, annex
1522 倦 GYUN6 be tired of, weary
1523 匆 CHUNG1 hastily, in haste, hurriedly
1524 娛 YU4 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
1525 搏 BOK3 seize; spring upon; strike
1526 淺 CHIN2 shallow, not deep; superficial
1527 潔 GIT3 clean, purify, pure
1528 烏 WU1 crow, rook, raven; black, dark
1529 獻 HIN3 offer, present; show, display
1530 腿 TEUI2 legs, thighs
1531 衫 SAM1 shirt; robe; gown; jacket
1532 覽 LAAM5 look at, inspect; perceive
1533 註 JYU3 explain; annotate; make entry
1534 誕 DAAN3 bear children, give birth; birth
1535 貸 TAAI3 lend; borrow; pardon
1536 逃 TOU4 escape, flee; abscond, dodge
1537 隆 LUNG4 prosperous, plentiful, abundant
1538 串 CHYUN3 string; relatives; conspire
1539 兄 HING1 elder brother
1540 呵 HO1 scold; laughing sound; yawn
1541 唉 AAI1 alas
1542 嘛 MA4 final exclamatory particle
1543 廊 LONG4 corridor, porch, veranda
1544 敬 GING3 respect, honor; respectfully
1545 毀 WAI2 destroy, ruin, injure; slander
1546 猛 MAANG5 violent, savage, cruel; bold
1547 磨 MO4 grind; polish; rub; wear out
1548 谷 GUK1 valley, gorge, ravine
1549 頻 PAN4 frequently, again and again
1550 冠 GUN1 GUN3 cap, crown, headgear
1551 卷 GYUN3 scroll; curl; make a comeback
1552 塗 TOU4 smear, daub, apply, spread;paint
1553 徐 CHEUI4 slowly, quietly, calmly; composed, dignified
1554 抓 JAAU2 scratch; clutch, seize, grab
1555 溝 KAU1 ditch, drain, narrow waterway
1556 箱 SEUNG1 case, box, chest, trunk
1557 詳 CHEUNG4 detailed, complete, thorough
1558 輯 CHAP1 gather up, collect; edit,compile
1559 飽 BAAU2 eat heartily; eat one's fill
1560 侵 CHAM1 invade, encroach upon, raid
1561 削 SEUK3 scrape off, pare, trim
1562 勁 GING6 strong, unyielding, tough, power
1563 嘆 TAAN3 sigh, admire
1564 孫 SYUN1 grandchild, descendent; surname
1565 寞 MOK6 silent, still, lonely, solitary
1566 懶 LAAN5 lazy, languid, listless
1567 戒 GAAI3 warn, caution, admonish
1568 振 JAN3 raise, excite, arouse action
1569 掩 YIM2 cover; shut, conceal; ambush
1570 捨 SE2 discard, give up willingly; give alms
1571 搜 SAU2 search, seek; investigate
1572 朱 JYU1 cinnabar, vermilion; surname
1573 滅 MIT6 extinguish; wipe out,exterminate
1574 澤 JAAK6 marsh, swamp; grace, brilliance
1575 胞 BAAU1 womb, placenta, fetal membrane
1576 逼 BIK1 compel, pressure, force; bother
1577 邦 BONG1 nation, country, state
1578 鄭 JENG6 state in today's henan; surname
1579 采 CHOI2 collect, gather; pick, pluck
1580 鋪 POU3 spread out, arrange; shop, store; place to sleep, bed
1581 亭 TING4 pavilion; erect
1582 嘩 WA1 WA4 rushing sound; gush forward
1583 墨 MAK6 ink; writing
1584 壇 TAAN4 altar; arena, examination hall
1585 惑 WAAK6 confuse, mislead, baffle; doubt
1586 暖 NYUN5 warm, genial
1587 浸 JAM3 soak, immerse, dip, percolate
1588 炎 YIM4 flame, blaze; hot
1589 脈 MAK6 blood vessels, veins, arteries
1590 臭 CHAU3 smell, stink, emit foul odor
1591 蒸 JING1 steam; evaporate
1592 贊 JAAN3 help, support, assist, aid
1593 躍 YEUK3 skip, jump, frolic
1594 輩 BUI3 generation, lifetime; class
1595 鄰 LEUN4 neighbor; neighborhood; neighbor
1596 佩 PUI3 belt ornament, pendant; wear at waist, tie to the belt; respect
1597 僱 GU3 employ, hire
1598 凝 YING4 coagulate; congeal; freeze
1599 召 JIU6 imperial decree; summon
1600 妝 JONG1 adorn oneself, dress up, use mak
1601 嫌 YIM4 hate, detest; suspect; criticize
1602 巡 CHEUN4 patrol, go on circuit, cruise
1603 廉 LIM4 upright, honorable, honest
1604 昂 NGONG4 rise, raise; proud, bold;upright
1605 暑 SYU2 hot
1606 朵 DO2 cluster of flowers; earlobe
1607 礎 CHO2 foundation stone, plinth
1608 耶 YE4 used in transliteration
1609 艇 TENG5 small boat, dugout, punt
1610 貓 MAAU1 cat
1611 鈾 YAU4 uranium
1612 屯 JEUN1 TYUN4 village, hamlet; camp; station
1613 扎 JAAT3 pull up; pierce; struggle free
1614 捉 JUK1 grasp, clutch; catch, seize
1615 挺 TING2 TING5 stand upright, straighten; rigid
1616 描 MIU4 copy, trace, sketch; depict
1617 梯 TAI1 ladder, steps, stairs; lean
1618 烹 PAANG1 boil, cook; quick fry, stir fry
1619 症 JING3 disease, illness, ailment
1620 痕 HAN4 scar; mark; trace
1621 籠 LUNG4 cage; cage-like basket
1622 貢 GUNG3 offer tribute; tribute, gifts
1623 迴 WUI4 revolve, rotate; curving, zigzag
1624 割 GOT3 cut, divide, partition; cede
1625 哀 OI1 sad, mournful, pitiful; pity
1626 廢 FAI3 abrogate, terminate, discard
1627 慧 WAI6 bright, intelligent;intelligence
1628 捧 PUNG2 hold up in two hands
1629 斜 CHE4 slanting, sloping, inclined
1630 災 JOI1 calamity, disaster, catastrophe
1631 苗 MIU4 sprouts; miao nationality
1632 茫 MONG4 vast, boundless, widespread
1633 貫 GUN3 string of 1000 coins; go through
1634 趙 JIU6 surname; ancient state
1635 雷 LEUI4 thunder
1636 顆 FO2 grain, kernel
1637 騙 PIN3 swindle, cheat out of, defraud
1638 云 WAN4 say, speak; clouds
1639 呆 NGOI4 dull; dull-minded, simple,stupid
1640 尺 CHEK3 chinese measure approx. "foot"
1641 您 NEI5 honorific for "you"
1642 惠 WAI6 favor, benefit, confer kindness
1643 憤 FAN5 resent, hate; indignant
1644 扇 SIN3 fan; door panel
1645 擾 YIU2 disturb, annoy, agitate
1646 森 SAM1 forest; luxuriant vegetation
1647 泉 CHYUN4 spring, fountain; wealth, money
1648 洩 SIT3 leak, drip; vent or release
1649 滾 GWAN2 turn, roll, rotate; boil
1650 痰 TAAM4 phlegm, mucus, spittle
1651 癡 CHI1 silly, foolish, idiotic
1652 笨 BAN6 foolish, stupid, dull; awkward
1653 縫 FUNG4 sew, mend
1654 艱 GAN1 difficult, hard; distressing
1655 鎮 JAN3 town, market place; suppress
1656 鑑 GAAM3 mirror, looking glass; reflect
1657 霧 MOU6 fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
1658 堪 HAM1 adequately capable of, worthy of
1659 掃 SOU3 SOU2 sweep, clear away; exterminate
1660 攻 GUNG1 attack, assault; criticize
1661 旋 SYUN4 revolve, move in orbit; return
1662 暢 CHEUNG3 smoothly, freely, unrestrained
1663 毋 MOU4 do not; not; surname; rad. 80
1664 滴 DIK6 drip; drop of water
1665 秩 DIT6 order; orderly; salary; decade
1666 箭 JIN3 arrow; type of bamboo
1667 繪 KUI1 draw, sketch, paint
1668 罰 FAT6 penalty, fine; punish, penalize
1669 舖 POU3 store, shop
1670 週 JAU1 week; turn, cycle; anniversary
1671 醜 CHAU2 ugly looking, homely;disgraceful
1672 佛 FAT6 buddha (contraction of mc bhi?dha )
1673 傘 SAAN3 umbrella, parasol, parachute
1674 催 CHEUI1 press, urge
1675 厲 LAI6 whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet
1676 吊 DIU3 condole, mourn, pity; hang
1677 喊 HAAM3 shout, call out, yell; howl; cry
1678 截 JIT6 cut off, stop, obstruct, interce
1679 梁 LEUNG4 bridge; beam; rafters; surname
1680 漠 MOK6 desert; aloof, indifferent, cool
1681 疊 DIP6 repeat, duplicate; repititious
1682 繞 YIU5 entwine; wind around; surround
1683 聘 PING3 engage, employ; betroth
1684 譬 PEI3 metaphor, simile, example
1685 豆 DAU2 DAU6 beans, peas; bean-shaped
1686 貝 BUI3 sea shell; money, currency
1687 逝 SAI6 pass away; die
1688 餅 BING2 rice-cakes, biscuits
1689 鬱 WAT1 luxuriant; dense, thick; moody
1690 丁 DING1 male adult; robust, vigorous;4th heaven stem;
1691 嘉 GA1 excellent; joyful; auspicious
1692 崇 SUNG4 esteem, honor, revere, venerate
1693 憐 LIN4 pity, sympathize
1694 拔 BAT6 uproot, pull out
1695 拼 PING3 join together, link, incorporate
1696 捕 BOU6 arrest, catch, seize
1697 撫 FU2 pat, console, comfort; pacify
1698 氛 FAN1 gas, vapor, air
1699 淋 LAM4 drip, soak, drench; perfectly
1700 蒼 CHONG1 blue; green
1701 賀 HO6 congratulate; send present
1702 蹈 DOU6 stamp feet; dance
1703 黎 LAI4 surname; numerous, many; black
1704 侶 LEUI5 companion; associate with
1705 凌 LING4 pure; virtuous; insult; maltreat
1706 勤 KAN4 industrious, diligent, attentive
1707 咕 GU1 mumble, mutter, murmur; rumble
1708 奉 FUNG6 offer; receive; serve; respect
1709 奔 BAN1 run fast, flee; rush about; run
1710 宿 SUK1 stop, rest, lodge,stay overnight; constellation
1711 慶 HING3 congratulate, celebrate
1712 拋 PAAU1 throw (away), abandon, reject
1713 杜 DOU6 stop, prevent; restrict; surname
1714 泊 BOK6 anchor vessel; lie at anchor
1715 漲 JEUNG3 rise in price
1716 灘 TAAN1 bank,a sandbar, shoal; rapids
1717 燃 YIN6 burn; light fire, ignite
1718 紗 SA1 gauze, thin silk; yarn, thread
1719 蓄 CHUK1 store, save, hoard, gather
1720 衰 SEUI1 decline, falter, decrease;weaken
1721 唇 SEUN4 lips
1722 喪 SONG1 SONG3 mourning; mourn; funeral
1723 抬 TOI4 lift, carry
1724 撞 JONG6 knock against, bump into,collide
1725 斑 BAAN1 mottled, striped, frecle
1726 液 YIK6 sap, juice, liquid, fluid
1727 涯 NGAAI4 shore, bank, water's edge
1728 炒 CHAAU2 fry, saute, roast, boil, cook
1729 爬 PA4 crawl, creep; climb; scramble
1730 瓦 NGA5 tile; earthenware pottery; girl
1731 甲 GAAP3 armor, shell; fingernails; first
1732 疫 YIK6 epidemic, plague, pestilence
1733 矣 YI5 particle of completed action
1734 紋 MAN4 line, streak, stripe; wrinkle
1735 緻 JI3 delicate, fine; dense
1736 耗 HOU3 consume, use up; waste, squander
1737 聊 LIU4 somewhat, slightly, at least
1738 肅 SUK1 pay respects; reverently
1739 虎 FU2 tiger; brave, fierce; surname
1740 襲 JAAP6 raid, attack; inherit
1741 輔 FU6 cheek bone; protective; assist
1742 郎 LONG4 gentleman, young man; husband
1743 鋼 GONG1 GONG3 steel; hard, strong, tough
1744 驕 GIU1 spirited horse; haughty
1745 傑 GIT6 hero; outstanding, remarkable
1746 勃 BUT6 suddenly, sudden, quick
1747 吞 TAN1 swallow; absorb, annex, engulf
1748 呈 CHING4 submit, show; appear; petition
1749 咬 NGAAU5 bite, gnaw
1750 孕 YAN6 be pregnant, pregnancy
1751 忠 JUNG1 loyalty, devotion, fidelity
1752 恰 HAP1 just, exactly, precisely; proper
1753 悅 YUT6 pleased
1754 拘 KEUI1 restrain, seize, detain
1755 捲 GYUN2 curl, roll up; curly, rolled up
1756 撲 POK3 pound, beat, strike; attack
1757 枚 MUI4 stalk of shrub, trunk of tree
1758 棵 FO2 numerary adjunct for trees
1759 樁 JONG1 stake, post; affair, matter
1760 漏 LAU6 leak, drip; funnel; hour glass
1761 灼 JEUK3 burn; broil; cauterize; bright
1762 虧 KWAI1 lose, fail; damage; deficient
1763 裙 KWAN4 skirt, apron, petticoat
1764 譽 YU6 fame, reputation; praise
1765 赴 FU6 go to; attend, be present
1766 迅 SEUN3 quick, hasty, rapid, sudden
1767 遞 DAI6 hand over, deliver; substitute
1768 鉛 YUN4 lead plumbum
1769 鈴 LING4 bell
1770 錦 GAM2 brocade, tapestry; embroidered
1771 夕 JIK6 evening, night, dusk; slanted
1772 嫂 SOU2 sister-in-law, elder brother's wife
1773 宵 SIU1 night, evening, dark
1774 屈 WAT1 bend, flex; bent, crooked;crouch
1775 惟 WAI4 but, however, nevertheless; only
1776 慾 YUK6 lust, desire, passion;appetite
1777 抖 DAU2 tremble, shake, rouse;give shake
1778 披 PEI1 wear; split; crack
1779 掙 JANG1 strive, endeavor, struggle
1780 揭 KIT3 raise, lift up; surname
1781 撒 SAAT3 release, cast away, let go; disperse; relax;
1782 柏 PAAK3 cypress, cedar
1783 桂 GWAI3 cassia or cinnamon
1784 浴 YUK6 bathe, wash; bath
1785 濤 TOU4 large waves
1786 繫 HAI6 attach, connect, unite, fasten
1787 蔬 SO1 vegetables, greens
1788 賦 FU3 tax; give; endow; army; diffuse
1789 逢 FUNG4 come upon, happen meet; flatter
1790 陶 TOU4 pottery, ceramics
1791 償 SEUNG4 repay, recompense; restitution
1792 剪 JIN2 scissors; cut, divide, separate
1793 宅 JAAK6 residence, dwelling, home; grave
1794 寸 CHYUN3 inch; small, tiny; rad. no. 41
1795 尿 NIU6 urine; urinate
1796 帳 JEUNG3 tent; screen, mosquito net
1797 彎 WAAN1 bend, curve
1798 怡 YI4 harmony; pleasure, joy; be glad
1799 愚 YU4 stupid, doltish, foolish
1800 松 CHUNG4 pine tree; fir tree
1801 牢 LOU4 prison; stable, pen; secure
1802 盆 PUN4 basin, tub, pot, bowl
1803 盒 HAP6 small box or case; casket
1804 盪 DONG6 to toss about; to swing; to rock
1805 瞪 DANG6 stare at
1806 窩 WO1 nest; cave, den; hiding place
1807 肪 FONG1 animal fat
1808 袍 POU4 long gown, robe, cloak
1809 襯 CHAN3 underwear; inner garments
1810 賄 FUI2 bribe; bribes; riches, wealth
1811 鋒 FUNG1 point of spear, sharp point
1812 閣 GOK3 chamber, pavilion; cabinet
1813 顫 JIN3 shiver, tremble; trembling
1814 餓 NGO6 be hungry; be greedy for; hunger
1815 麵 MIN6 flour, dough, noodles
1816 伐 FAT6 cut down, subjugate, attack
1817 勉 MIN5 endeavor, make effort; urge
1818 勿 MAT6 must not, do not; without, never
1819 叔 SUK1 father's younger brother
1820 咀 JEUI2 suck; chew, masticate
1821 埔 BOU3 plain, arena; port, market
1822 嫁 GA3 marry; give daughter in marriage
1823 巾 GAN1 kerchief; towel; turban; rad. 50
1824 惹 YE5 irritate, vex, offend, incite
1825 擦 CHAAT3 wipe, scrub, rub, scour; brush
1826 汁 JAP1 juice, liquor, fluid, sap, gravy
1827 沾 JIM1 moisten, wet, soak; touch
1828 溜 LAU6 slide, glide, slip; slippery
1829 漆 CHAT1 varnish, lacquer, paint
1830 漁 YU4 to fish; seize; pursue; surname
1831 聰 CHUNG1 intelligent, clever, bright
1832 脅 HIP3 ribs; armpits; flank; threaten
1833 膝 SAT1 knee
1834 荷 HO4 lotus, water lily, holland
1835 蕭 SIU1 common artemisia; soughing of wind > mournful; dejected
1836 躺 TONG2 lie down, recline
1837 鍵 GIN6 door bolt, lock bolt; key
1838 霸 BA3 rule by might rather than right
1839 俱 KEUI1 all, together; accompany
1840 刑 YING4 punishment, penalty; law
1841 勸 HYUN3 recommend, advise, urge
1842 吵 CHAAU2 argue, dispute; disturb, annoy
1843 喉 HAU4 throat, gullet, larynx; gutteral
1844 循 CHEUN4 obey, comply with, follow
1845 愉 YU4 pleasant, delightful; please
1846 捱 NGAAI4 put off, procrastinate; endure
1847 摩 MO1 rub, scour, grind; friction
1848 敲 HAAU1 strike, beat, pound, hammer; rap
1849 柯 O1 axe-handle; stalk, bough;surname
1850 爐 LOU4 fireplace, stove, oven, furnace
1851 牲 SAANG1 sacrificial animal; animal
1852 狠 HAN2 vicious, cruel; severely,extreme
1853 疾 JAT6 illness, disease, sickness; hate
1854 瘋 FUNG1 crazy, insane, mentally ill
1855 皺 JAU3 wrinkles, creases, folds
1856 祝 JUK1 pray for happiness or blessings
1857 禍 WO6 misfortune, calamity, disaster
1858 稻 DOU6 rice growing in field,rice plant
1859 籲 YU6 appeal; request; implore
1860 翠 CHUI3 color green; kingfisher
1861 胃 WAI6 stomach; gizzard of fowl
1862 腐 FU6 rot, decay, spoil; rotten
1863 蝕 SIK6 nibble away; erode; eclipse
1864 赫 HAAK1 bright, radiant, glowing
1865 蹤 JUNG1 footprints, traces, tracks
1866 鑽 JYUN1 drill, bore; pierce; diamond
1867 韻 WAN6 rhyme; vowel
1868 丹 DAAN1 cinnabar (native hgs); vermilion (artificial hgs used as pigment);
1869 乖 GWAAI1 rebel; crafty, shrewd
1870 叢 CHUNG4 bush, shrub; thicket; collection
1871 吟 YAM4 sing, hum; recite;type of poetry
1872 埃 OI1 fine dust, dirt
1873 塑 SOU3 model in clay, sculpt; plastics
1874 廟 MIU6 temple, shrine; imperial court
1875 扭 NAU2 turn, twist, wrench; seize,grasp
1876 拆 CHAAK3 break up, split apart, rip open
1877 捷 JIT6 win, victory, triumph
1878 撤 CHIT3 omit; remove; withdraw
1879 枯 FU1 dried out, withered, decayed
1880 榕 YUNG4 banyan tree
1881 歧 KEI4 fork of road; branching off
1882 洪 HUNG4 vast, immense; flood, deluge
1883 泰 TAAI3 great, exaulted, superior; big
1884 漂 PIU1 PIU3 float, drift; tossed about
1885 滲 SAM3 soak through, infiltrate
1886 爸 BA1 father, papa
1887 猜 CHAAI1 guess, conjecture, suppose; feel
1888 眠 MIN4 close eyes, sleep; hibernate
1889 祥 YEUNG4 good luck, good omen; happiness
1890 筋 GAN1 muscles; tendons
1891 紐 NAU2 knot; button; handle, knob; tie
1892 綿 MIN4 cotton wad; wool; soft, downy
1893 罕 HON2 rare, scarce; surname
1894 趁 CHAN3 take advantage of, avail oneself
1895 躲 DO2 hide, secrete; avoid, escape
1896 辨 BIN6 distinguish, discriminate
1897 逸 YAT6 flee, escape, break loose
1898 釣 DIU3 fish; fishhook; tempt, lure
1899 駁 BOK3 varicolored, variegated; mixed; contradict, argue; suddenly
1900 魔 MO1 demon, evil spirits; magic power
1901 乳 YU5 breast, nipples; milk, suckle
1902 伙 FO2 companion, colleague; utensils
1903 倘 TONG2 SEUNG4 if, supposing, in event of
1904 傻 SO4 foolish, silly, stupid; imbecile
1905 允 WAN5 to grant, to allow, to consent
1906 厘 LEI4 thousandth part of tael
1907 妳 NEI5 you (f.)
1908 巿 SI5 revolve, make circuit, turn
1909 庫 FU3 armory, treasury, storehouse
1910 悄 CHIU2 silent, quiet, still; anxious
1911 棉 MIN4 cotton; cotton padded
1912 欺 HEI1 cheat, doublecross, deceive
1913 欽 YAM1 respect, admire; respectful
1914 涵 HAAM4 soak, wet; tolerate, be lenient
1915 湯 TONG1 hot water; soup, gravy, broth
1916 渴 HOT3 thirsty, parched; yearn, pine
1917 秒 MIU5 beard of grain or corn; a second
1918 窄 JAAK3 narrow, tight; narrow-minded
1919 胖 BUN6 fat, obese; fatty
1920 腸 CHEUNG4 intestines; emotions; sausage
1921 舍 SE3 SE5 house, dwelling; dwell, reside
1922 芳 FONG1 fragrant; virtuous; beautiful
1923 蟲 CHUNG4 worms; insects
1924 譯 YIK6 translate; decode; encode
1925 賬 JEUNG3 accounts; bill, debt; credit
1926 賢 YIN4 virtuous, worthy, good; able
1927 跨 KWA3 straddle, bestride, ride; carry
1928 踐 CHIN5 trample, tread upon, walk on
1929 騷 SOU1 harass, bother, annoy, disturb, agitate; sad, grieved
1930 驟 JAAU6 procedure; gallop; sudden(ly)
1931 俊 JEUN3 talented, capable; handsome
1932 倆 LEUNG5 clever, skilled; two, pair
1933 兮 HAI4 exclamatory particle
1934 剎 SAAT3 temple
1935 唸 NIM6 recite, read, chant
1936 嗚 WU1 sound of crying, sobbing
1937 堡 BOU2 fort, fortress; town, village
1938 墊 DIN6 advance money, pay for another
1939 夥 FO2 companion; partner; assistant
1940 奢 CHE1 SE1 extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate
1941 娃 WA1 baby; doll; pretty girl
1942 娜 NO5 elegant, graceful, delicate
1943 宋 SUNG3 song dynasty; surname
1944 庸 YUNG4 usual, common, ordinary,mediocre
1945 征 JING1 invade, attack, conquer
1946 慨 KOI3 sigh, regret; generous
1947 慌 FONG1 nervous, panicky, frantic
1948 淪 LEUN4 be lost; sink, be submerged
1949 爽 SONG2 happy, cheerful; refreshing
1950 皿 MING5 shallow container; rad. no. 108
1951 盲 MAANG4 blind; unperceptive,shortsighted
1952 綜 JUNG3 arrange threads for weaving
1953 翼 YIK6 wings; fins on fish; shelter
1954 董 DUNG2 direct, supervise; surname
1955 逛 KWAANG3 ramble, stroll, roam, wander
1956 郝 KOK3 surname; place in today's shanxi
1957 雀 JEUK3 sparrow
1958 靚 JING6 LENG3 make up face; ornament; quiet
1959 頁 YIP6 page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181
1960 頸 GENG2 neck, throat
1961 鴨 AAP3 NGAAP3 duck
1962 龐 PONG4 disorderly, messy; huge, big
1963 伍 NG5 five, company of five; troops
1964 倚 YI2 rely on, depend on; lean heavily
1965 倡 CHEUNG1 guide, leader; lead, introduce
1966 叛 BUN6 rebel; rebellion; rebellious
1967 吻 MAN5 kiss; the lips; coinciding
1968 塔 TAAP3 tower, spire, tall building
1969 帽 MOU6 hat, cap; cap-like tops
1970 廁 CHI3 toilet, lavatory; mingle with
1971 恢 FUI1 restore;big, great, immense,vast
1972 悔 FUI3 repent, show remorse, regret
1973 慎 SAN6 act with care, be cautious
1974 懸 YUN4 hang, suspend, hoist; be hung
1975 抄 CHAAU1 copy, confiscate, seize
1976 摘 JAAK6 pluck, pick; select; specify
1977 撐 CHAANG1 prop up, support; brace
1978 殼 HOK3 casing, shell, husk, hull, skin
1979 漿 JEUNG1 any thick fluid; starch; broth
1980 濫 LAAM6 flood, overflow; excessive
1981 灑 SA2 sprinkle, splash; scatter, throw
1982 瘦 SAU3 thin, emaciated, lean; meager
1983 盼 PAAN3 look, gaze; expect, hope for
1984 簾 LIM4 a blind, screen, curtain
1985 莊 JONG1 village, hamlet; villa; surname
1986 衷 CHUNG1 heart,from bottom of one's heart
1987 諒 LEUNG6 excuse, forgive; guess, presume
1988 遮 JE1 cover, shield, protect
1989 鍾 JUNG1 cup, glass, goblet; surname
1990 鼎 DING2 large, three-legged bronze caldr
1991 齣 CHEUT1 act; stanza; time, occasion
1992 丟 DIU1 DIU6 discard, reject, lose
1993 僚 LIU4 companion, colleague; officals; bureauucracy; a pretty face
1994 咳 KAT1 cough
1995 啣 HAAM4 hold in mouth; harbor, cherish
1996 喚 WUN6 call, summon; invite; be called
1997 堤 TAI4 dike
1998 墓 MOU6 grave, tomb
1999 寡 GWA2 widowed; alone, friendless
2000 崖 NGAI4 cliff, precipice; precipitous

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