강PD 2010. 4. 2. 00:13
3001 顱 LOU4 skull
3002 饒 YIU4 bountiful, abundant, plentiful
3003 驀 MAK6 suddenly, quickly, abruptly
3004 鴦 YEUNG1 female mandarin duck
3005 鴛 YUN1 male mandarin duck
3006 鷹 YING1 eagle, falcon
3007 鹽 YIM4 salt
3008 于 YU1 in, on, at; go to; surname
3009 亨 HANG1 smoothly, progressing, no trouble
3010 仆 FU6 PUK1 fall forward; lie prostrate, prone; servant
3011 俏 CHIU3 like, similar; resemble; pretty
3012 冥 MING4 dark, gloomy, night; deep
3013 凶 HUNG1 culprit; murder; bad, sad
3014 凹 AAU3 NAP1 WA1 concave, hollow, depressed
3015 勛 FAN1 meritorious deed; merits; rank
3016 募 MOU6 levy, raise; summon; recruit
3017 勳 FAN1 meritorious deed; merits; rank
3018 卵 LEUN5 egg; ovum; roe; spawn
3019 呱 GU1 GWA1 GWA2 wail, crying of child; swear at
3020 咦 YI4 expression! of surprise
3021 哦 O6 oh? really? is that so?
3022 唏 HEI1 weep or sob; grieve
3023 啄 DEUK3 to peck
3024 喋 DIP6 nag; chatter, babble, twitter
3025 嗓 SONG2 voice; throat
3026 嗤 CHI1 laugh at, ridicule, sneer; snort
3027 嗯 NG2 final particle
3028 噗 POK3 burst
3029 噥 NUNG4 whisper
3030 埸 YIK6 a border; a limit; a dike; a frontier; a boundary
3031 墟 HEUI1 high mound; hilly countryside; wasteland
3032 壬 YAM4 ninth of ten celestial stems
3033 奚 HAI4 where? what? how? why?; servant
3034 姜 GEUNG1 surname; ginger
3035 娓 MEI5 comply; complying, agreeable
3036 孟 MAANG6 first in series; great, eminent
3037 寢 CHAM2 sleep, rest; bed chamber
3038 屜 TAI3 drawer; tray; pad; screen
3039 岑 SAM4 steep, precipitous; peak
3040 峭 CHIU3 steep, precipitous, rugged
3041 嵌 HAM6 inlay, set in; fall into; rugged
3042 幌 FONG2 curtain, cloth screen
3043 廓 GWOK3 KWOK3 broad, wide, open, empty; expand
3044 弛 CHI4 loosen, relax, unstring a bow
3045 彙 WAI6 WUI6 collect, compile, assemble; hedgehog
3046 彥 YIN6 elegant, handsome; learned
3047 徙 SAAI2 move one's abode, shift, migrate
3048 恃 CHI5 SI5 rely on, presume on, trust to
3049 悻 HANG6 anger, vexation; angry, indignan
3050 悸 GWAI6 fearful, apprehensive, perturbed
3051 慷 HUNG2 KONG2 ardent; generous, magnanimous
3052 憧 CHUNG1 TUNG4 irresolute, indecisive; yearn for
3053 懊 OU3 vexed, worried, nervous; regret
3054 懵 MUNG2 MUNG5 stupid, ignorant, dull
3055 拈 NIM1 pick up with fingers; draw lots
3056 拐 GWAAI2 kidnap, abduct; turn
3057 捺 NAAT6 press down heavily with fringers
3058 揩 HAAI1 rub and wipe, dust, clean
3059 揉 YAU4 rub, massage; crush by hand
3060 摑 GWAAK3 box one's ears, slap
3061 攔 LAAN4 obstruct, impede, bar, hinder
3062 斟 JAM1 pour wine or tea into cup; gauge
3063 晏 AAN3 peaceful, quiet; clear; late
3064 晒 SAAI3 dry in sun, expose to sun
3065 晌 HEUNG2 noon, midday; moment; land measu
3066 曇 TAAM4 become cloudy, overcast
3067 桓 WUN4 variety of tree; surname
3068 梢 SAAU1 pointed tip of something long like a branch; rudder
3069 梭 SO1 weaver's shuttle; go to and fro
3070 椒 JIU1 pepper, spices
3071 椰 YE4 palm tree, coconut palm
3072 榴 LAU4 pomegranate
3073 橙 CHAANG2 CHAANG4 orange
3074 檬 MUNG1 type of locust oracacia
3075 櫥 CHYU4 cabinet, wardrobe, cupboard
3076 櫻 YING1 cherry, cherry blossom
3077 沛 PUI3 abundant, full, copious; sudden
3078 汨 MIK6 mi(luo) river in hunan province where qu yuan drowned himself; to sink
3079 淌 TONG2 trickle; flow down; drip
3080 澈 CHIT3 thoroughly, completely
3081 潦 LIU4 LOU5 to flood; a puddle; without care
3082 濂 LIM4 waterfall; river in hunan; river
3083 濺 JIN1 JIN3 sprinkle, spray; spill, splash
3084 炭 TAAN3 charcoal; coal; carbon
3085 煌 WONG4 bright, shining, luminous
3086 熄 SIK1 put out, extinguish, quash
3087 燻 FAN1 smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure
3088 狄 DIK6 tribe from northern china;surnam
3089 猝 CHYUT3 abruptly, suddenly; abrupt
3090 瑾 GAN2 GAN6 brilliance of gems; fine jade
3091 甄 YAN1 examine, discern; grade; surname
3092 盎 ONG3 cup; pot; bowl; abudnant
3093 盞 JAAN2 small cup or container
3094 睦 MUK6 friendly, amiable, peaceful
3095 瞞 MUN4 deceive, lie; eyes half-closed
3096 矓 LUNG4 faint, fuzzy, blurred
3097 祟 SEUI6 evil spirit; evil influence
3098 禾 WO4 grain still on stalk; rice plant
3099 簷 SIM4 YIM4 eaves of house; brim
3100 籽 JI2 seed, pip, pit, stone
3101 粘 JIM1 NIM4 NIM1 viscous, mucous; glutinous
3102 綺 YI2 fine thin silk; elegant,beautifu
3103 繭 GAAN2 cocoon; callus, blister
3104 脖 BUT6 neck
3105 艦 LAAM6 warship
3106 芸 WAN4 rue, herb used to keep insects away; to cut grass or weeds; simplified form of 헭:art; talent, ability; craft
3107 荊 GING1 thorns; brambles; my wife; cane
3108 茜 SIN6 madder, rubia cordifolia; reeds
3109 蒨 SIN3 lush vegetation, luxuriant growth
3110 蘿 LO4 type of creeping plant; turnip
3111 蟻 NGAI5 ants
3112 蟹 HAAI5 crab, brachyura
3113 裊 NIU5 curling upwards; wavering gently
3114 褸 LEUI5 lapel, collar; tattered, threadb
3115 詫 CHA3 be surprised, be shocked
3116 詭 GWAI2 deceive, cheat, defraud; sly
3117 諧 HAAI4 harmonize, agree; joke, jest
3118 跛 BAI1 BO2 lame
3119 踞 GEUI3 crouch, squat; sit, occupy
3120 遁 DEUN6 hide, conceal oneself; escape
3121 遢 TAAP3 careless, negligent, slipshod
3122 邑 YAP1 area, district, city, state
3123 醞 WAN3 liquor, spirits, wine; ferment
3124 鉅 GEUI6 steel, iron; great
3125 鋸 GEUI3 a saw; to saw; amputate
3126 鑿 JOK6 chisel; bore, pierce
3127 闌 LAAN4 door screen; railing fence
3128 隅 YU4 corner, nook, remote place
3129 雌 CHI1 female; feminine; gentle, soft
3130 霖 LAM4 long spell of rain, copious rain
3131 靡 MEI5 divide, disperse, scatter
3132 靦 TIN2 timid, shy, bashful
3133 鞏 GUNG2 bind; firm, secure, strong
3134 饑 GEI1 starve, be hungry; famine
3135 馮 FUNG4 surname; gallop; by dint of
3136 馴 CHEUN4 SEUN4 tame, docile, obedient
3137 駱 LOK3 white horse w. black mane; camel
3138 髓 SEUI5 bone marrow; essences, substance
3139 魷 YAU4 cuttlefish
3140 鴉 A1 crow
3141 鶴 HOK6 crane
3142 丫 A1 bifurcation
3143 佣 YUNG6 commission fee
3144 俐 LEI6 smooth; active; clever, sharp
3145 偌 YE6 thus, so, like, such
3146 偎 WUI1 cling to, cuddle, embrace, fondl
3147 倏 SUK1 hastily, suddenly, abruptly
3148 僧 JANG1 buddhist priest, monk; san of sanskrit sangha
3149 僻 PIK1 out-of-the-way,remote;unorthodox
3150 儕 CHAAI4 a company, companion; together
3151 儻 TONG2 if
3152 凋 DIU1 be withered, fallen; exhausted
3153 凈 JENG6 JING6 clean, pure; cleanse
3154 刨 PAAU4 carpenter's plane; plane, level
3155 厄 AK1 adversity, difficulty, distress
3156 吼 HAU3 roar, shout; bark, howl
3157 咯 GAAK3 LO1 LOK3 final particle
3158 啜 JYUT3 sip, suck up; sob, weep
3159 唾 TEU3 TO3 TOU3 spit, spit on; saliva
3160 嗦 SO1 suck
3161 嘍 LAU1 LAU4 used in onomatopoetic expression!
3162 嘈 CHOU4 noisy
3163 嚀 NING4 enjoin, instruct; charge
3164 圭 GWAI1 jade pointed at top
3165 壺 WU4 jar, pot, jug, vase; surname
3166 夭 YIU1 young, fresh-looking; die young
3167 姚 YIU4 handsome, elegant; surname
3168 姦 GAAN1 adultery, debauchery; debauch
3169 娑 SO1 dance, frolic; lounge; saunter
3170 嫣 YIN1 charming, fascinating; gay
3171 岌 KAP1 perilous, hazardous; high, steep
3172 巫 MOU4 wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman
3173 帕 PAAK3 turban, kerchief, veil; wrap
3174 弓 GUNG1 bow; curved, arched; rad. no. 57
3175 弘 WANG4 enlarge, expand; liberal, great
3176 弗 FAT1 not, negative
3177 弧 WU4 wooden bow; arc, crescent
3178 御 YU6 drive, ride; chariot; manage
3179 怠 DOI6 TOI5 idle, remiss, negligent; neglect
3180 恫 DUNG6 in pain, sorrowful
3181 悚 SUNG2 be afraid, be scared, frightened
3182 悍 HON5 HON6 courageous, brave; violent
3183 惚 FAT1 absent-minded, confused
3184 慄 LEUT6 shiver, shudder, tremble;tremble
3185 慵 YUNG4 indolent, easy-going, lazy
3186 憊 BAAI6 BEI6 tired, weary, fatigued
3187 懾 JIP3 SIP3 afraid, scared, fearful
3188 拎 LING1 to haul; to lift; to take
3189 搔 SOU1 to scratch
3190 搧 SIN3 fan; strike on face; stir up
3191 撻 TAAT3 flog, whip; chastise
3192 攢 CHYUN4 JAAN2 save, hoard
3193 攫 FOK3 snatch away, seize; catch with
3194 晝 JAU3 daytime, daylight
3195 曖 OI3 obscure, dim, ambiguous, vague
3196 楞 LING4 used for ceylon in buddhist text
3197 檻 HAAM5 LAAM6 threshold, door-sill
3198 歛 LIM5 draw back, fold back; collect
3199 歹 DAAI2 bad, vicious, depraved, wicked
3200 毆 AU2 beat, fight with fists, hit
3201 氘 DOU1 
3202 汲 KAP1 draw water from well; imbibe
3203 涕 TAI3 tear; snivel, nasal mucus
3204 涓 GYUN1 brook, stream; select; pure
3205 涎 YIN4 saliva
3206 湛 JAAM3 deep; profound; clear; tranquil
3207 漾 YEUNG6 overflow; swirl, ripple; be toss
3208 濁 JUK6 muddy, turbid, dirty, filthy
3209 瀑 BUK6 waterfall, cascade; heavy rain
3210 瀾 LAAN4 overflowing; waves, ripples
3211 燙 TONG3 scald, heat; wash; iron clothes
3212 狐 WU4 species of fox
3213 珊 SAAN1 coral
3214 琅 LONG4 variety of white carnelian; pure
3215 琢 DEUK3 polish jade; cut jade
3216 瑜 YU4 flawless gem or jewel
3217 瓏 LUNG4 gem cut like dragon; tinkling of
3218 甭 BANG2 there is no need
3219 癖 PIK1 craving, weakness for; indigesti
3220 癱 TAAN1 paralysis, palsy, numbness
3221 皙 SIK1 white; kind of date
3222 瞎 HAT6 blind, reckless; rash
3223 瞌 HAP6 doze off; sleepy
3224 矗 CHUK1 straight, upright, erect, lofty
3225 砲 PAAU3 gun, cannon
3226 磊 LEUI5 pile of rocks or stones; great
3227 磯 GEI1 jetty; submerged rock; eddy
3228 祉 JI2 happiness, blessings, good luck
3229 秤 CHING3 balance, scale, steelyard
3230 穆 MUK6 majestic, solemn, reverent; calm
3231 穌 SOU1 revive,to rise again; collect
3232 窘 KWAN3 embrassassed; hard-pressed
3233 筏 FAT6 raft
3234 箕 GEI1 sieve; dust pan, garbage bag
3235 篤 DUK1 deep, true, sincere, genuine
3236 簸 BO2 BO3 winnower
3237 糞 FAN3 manure, dung, night soil
3238 絆 BUN6 loop, catch; fetter, shackle
3239 綽 CHEUK3 graceful, delicate; spacious
3240 綵 CHOI2 varicolored silk; variegated
3241 繆 MAU4 MAU6 MIU6 wind around, bind; prepare
3242 罹 LEI4 sorrow, grief; incur, meet with
3243 胳 GAAK3 armpit, arms
3244 脊 JIK3 spine, backbone; ridge
3245 腋 YAT6 YIT6 armpit
3246 腆 TIN2 prosperous; good; prtruding
3247 膛 TONG4 chest; hollow space, cavity
3248 芃 PUNG4 luxuriant growth
3249 芙 FU4 hibiscus
3250 苟 GAU2 careless, frivolous; illicit; grammatical particle: if, but, if only; surname; grass name; distinguish dkw 30853 (ji4)
3251 莞 GUN1 GUN2 WUN5 smiling; a kind of aquatic herb
3252 蔚 WAI3 WAT3 luxuriant, thick; ornamental
3253 蔑 MIT6 disdain, disregard; slight
3254 蕊 YEUI5 unopened flowers, flower buds
3255 蜃 SAN5 SAN6 marine monster which can change its shape; water spouts; clams
3256 蜿 YUN1 creep, crawl
3257 蜒 YIN4 millipede
3258 蝴 WU4 butterfly
3259 螞 MA5 ant; leech
3260 螫 CHIK1 SIK1 poison; sting; poisonous insect
3261 裔 YEUI6 progeny, descendants, posterity
3262 褔 FU3 complex/double
3263 診 CHAN2 examine patient, diagnose
3264 譏 GEI1 ridicule, jeer, mock; inspect
3265 赦 SE3 forgive, remit, pardon
3266 躇 CHYU4 hesitate, falter, be undecided
3267 蹭 SANG3 procrastinate, dilly dally
3268 躊 CHAU4 hesitate, falter; smug, self-sat
3269 軸 JUK6 axle, axletree; pivot; axis
3270 輒 JIP3 sides of chariot where weapons
3271 轇 GAAU1 complicated, confused; dispute
3272 轕 GOT3 great array of spears and chario
3273 辜 GU1 crime, criminal offense
3274 逮 CHAP1 seize, catch; reach, arrive
3275 邃 SEUI6 profound, detailed; deep
3276 郁 YU4 sweet smelling, rich in aroma
3277 酪 LOK3 cream, cheese; koumiss
3278 鉗 KIM4 pincers, pliers, tongs
3279 錚 JAANG1 JANG1 clanging sound; small gong
3280 闕 KYUT3 watch tower; palace
3281 隈 WUI1 cove, bay, inlet
3282 雛 CHO1 CHO4 chick, fledging; infant, toddler
3283 霎 SAP3 light rain, drizzle; an instant; passing
3284 鞍 ON1 saddle; any saddle-shaped object
3285 頷 HAM5 chin, jowl; give nod
3286 颼 SAU1 sound of wind; blow chilly
3287 餚 NGAAU4 prepared meat; food
3288 駝 TO4 camel; humpbacked; carry on back
3289 鬢 BAN3 hair on temples
3290 鹹 HAAM4 salty, briny; salted; pickled
3291 丑 CHAU2 clown, comedian; second of earth branches (ox);
3292 乜 MAT1 ME2 NIP2 to squint; what? huh? (cant.)
3293 伉 KONG3 compare, match; pair; spouse
3294 佑 YAU6 help, protect, bless
3295 侖 LEUN4 logical reasons, logical order
3296 嘢 YE5 (cantonese) thing
3297 倩 SIN3 beautiful, lovely; son-in-law
3298 倜 TIK1 raise high; unrestrained
3299 偕 GAAI1 together; be in order
3300 僥 HIU1 be lucky; by chance, by luck
3301 儷 LAI6 spouse, couple, pair
3302 儼 YIM5 grave, respectful, majestic
3303 兢 GING1 fearful, cautious, wary
3304 刃 YAN6 edged tool, cutlery, knife edge
3305 剷 CHAAN2 level off, pare down,raze ground
3306 卦 GWA3 fortune telling; tell fortunes
3307 叱 CHIK1 scold, shout at, bawl out
3308 吶 NAAP6 NEUT6 raise voice, yell out loud,shout; stammer
3309 咚 DUNG1 used as description of sound
3310 咩 ME1 the bleating of sheep
3311 咿 YI1 descriptive of creaking; laugh
3312 喔 AK1 O1 descriptive of crying or of crow
3313 啾 JAU1 wailing of child; chirp
3314 嗰 GO2 (cantonese) that
3315 喁 YUNG4 the mouth of a fish at the surface of the water, gasping for breath
3316 嘟 DOU1 sound of horn tooting
3317 嗔 CHAN1 be angry at, scold, rebuke
3318 嘁 CHIK1 to be grieved; ashamed; used to imitate sounds
3319 嘮 LOU4 chat, jaw, gossip, talk
3320 嘿 HEI1 be silent, be quiet
3321 噢 O1 YU2 YUK1 moan; interjection for pain, sad
3322 垢 GAU3 dirt, filth, stains; dirty
3323 妞 NAU2 girl
3324 妮 NEI4 maid, servant girl; cute girl
3325 娟 GYUN1 beautiful, graceful
3326 嫉 JAT6 jealousy; be jealous of
3327 嫻 HAAN4 elegant, refined; skillful
3328 孃 NEUNG4 troubled, oppressed; fat; mother
3329 寥 LIU4 few, scarce; empty, deserted
3330 崛 GWAT6 towering, eminent; rise abruptly
3331 崙 LEUN4 kunlun mountains in jiangsu
3332 嶇 KEUI1 steep, sheer; rugged, rough
3333 巒 LYUN4 mountain range; pointed mountain
3334 幪 MUNG4 cover, shelter, screen; protect
3335 弔 DIU3 condole, mourn, pity; hang
3336 徨 WONG4 doubtful, irresolute, vacillatin
3337 恬 TIM4 quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
3338 恙 YEUNG6 illness, sickness; indisposition
3339 恣 CHI3 JI3 indulge oneself, unrestrained
3340 恿 YUNG2 instigate, incite; to alarm
3341 惋 WUN2 YUN2 regret, be sorry; alarmed
3342 愣 LING6 be in a daze
3343 慳 HAN1 miserly, parsimonious, stingy
3344 憫 MAN5 pity, sympathize with,grieve for
3345 憬 GING2 GWING2 rouse, awaken; become conscious
3346 扉 FEI1 door panel
3347 扼 A1 grasp, clutch; choke, strangle
3348 扳 PAAN1 pull; drag; right itself
3349 抒 SYU1 express; eliminate; relieve
3350 摒 BING3 expel, cast off; arrange
3351 搐 CHUK1 cramp, spasm, convulsion; twitch
3352 擎 KING4 lift up, hold up, support
3353 攷 HAAU2 examine, test; investigate
3354 斕 LAAN4 multicolored
3355 曆 LIK6 calendar, era
3356 曹 CHOU4 ministry officials; surname
3357 札 JAAT3 letter, note; correspondence
3358 杖 JEUNG6 cane, walking stick
3359 柑 GAM1 tangerine, loose-skinned orange
3360 栩 HEUI2 species of oak; be glad, be plea
3361 棧 JAAN6 warehouse; tavern, inn
3362 椏 NGA4 the forking branch of a tree
3363 椿 CHEUN1 father; plant with white flowers
3364 榷 KOK3 footbridge; toll, levy; monopoly
3365 殃 YEUNG1 misfortune, disaster, calamity
3366 殆 DOI6 TOI5 dangerous, perilous; endanger
3367 毯 TAAM2 rug, carpet, blanket
3368 汝 YU5 you
3369 汩 MIK6 run swiftly
3370 涔 SAM4 river in shaanxi; murky torrent
3371 溉 KOI3 water, irrigate, flood; wash
3372 漬 JI3 soak, steep; dye; stains; sodden
3373 漱 SAU3 SOU3 gargle, rinse; wash, scour
3374 滌 DIK6 wash, cleanse, purify; sweep
3375 潺 SAAN4 sound of flowing water
3376 澗 GAAN3 brook, mountain stream
3377 澱 DIN6 sediment, dregs, precipitate
3378 瀝 LIK6 trickle, drip; strain; dregs
3379 焊 HON6 weld, solder
3380 牟 MAU4 make; seek, get; barley; low
3381 牡 MAAU5 male of animals; bolt of door
3382 疇 CHAU4 farmland, arable land; category
3383 痠 SYUN1 aching of limbs, muscular pains
3384 瘓 WUN6 paralysis, numbness of limbs
3385 瘟 WAN1 epidemic, plague, pestilence
3386 瘡 CHONG1 tumor, boil, sore, wound
3387 睫 JIT6 eyelashes
3388 瞠 JAANG1 look at, stare at, gaze at
3389 瞰 HAM3 watch, spy; overlook; look down
3390 砍 HAM2 hack, chop, cut, fell
3391 砸 JAAP3 smash, crush, break; pound, mash
3392 硝 SIU1 saltpeter, niter; > to tan
3393 硯 YIN6 inkstone
3394 碳 TAAN3 carbon
3395 磡 HAM3 cliff, ledge, bank; step
3396 祐 YAU6 divine intervention, protection
3397 穢 WAI3 dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene
3398 竿 GON1 bamboo pole; penis
3399 筲 SAAU1 basket, bucket
3400 箇 GO3 numerary adjunct, piece; single
3401 篷 PUNG4 awning, covering; sail; boat
3402 粼 LEUN4 
3403 紊 MAN6 confused, disorder
3404 紕 PEI1 spoiled silk; hem of dress;mista
3405 紜 WAN4 confused, in disorder; numerous
3406 紳 SAN1 girdle; tie, bind; gentry
3407 絞 GAAU2 twist, wring; entertwine; winch
3408 綁 BONG2 bind, tie, fasten
3409 綢 CHAU4 silk cloth, satin damask
3410 緯 WAI5 woof; parallels of latitude
3411 緘 GAAM1 seal, close; bind; letter
3412 縈 YING4 entangle, entwine, coil
3413 纜 LAAM6 hawser, heavy-duty rope, cable
3414 翡 FEI2 FEI6 kingfisher; emerald, jade
3415 翰 HON6 writing brush, pen, pencil
3416 耽 DAAM1 indulge in; be negligent
3417 聶 NIP6 whisper; surname
3418 胭 YIN1 rouge, cosmetics
3419 舅 KAU5 KAU3 mother's brother, uncle
3420 茉 MUT6 white jasmine
3421 苔 TOI1 TOI4 moss, lichen
3422 莎 SA1 kind of sedge grass, used anciently for raincoats
3423 莽 MONG5 thicket, underbrush; poisonous
3424 蒞 LEI6 reach, arrive; manage
3425 蒲 POU4 type of rush; vine
3426 蒜 SYUN3 garlic
3427 蒐 SAU1 collect, gather, assemble; seek; spring hunt; assemble for war
3428 蔔 BAAK6 radish
3429 薯 SYU4 SYU5 yam, tuber, potato
3430 藹 OI2 lush; affable, friendly
3431 蘸 JAAM3 dip; remarry
3432 蛛 JYU1 spider
3433 蠅 YING4 flies
3434 嗱 NA4 (cantonese) exclamation, there! now!
3435 褂 GWA3 jacket, overcoat, coat; gown
3436 裾 GEUI1 lapel, border of garment; skirt
3437 褐 HOT3 coarse woolen cloth; dull, dark
3438 訟 JUNG6 accuse; argue, dispute; litigate
3439 詮 CHYUN4 explain, expound, comment on
3440 誡 GAAI3 warn, admonish; warning
3441 諦 DAI3 careful, attentive
3442 謐 MAT6 calm, quiet, still; cautious
3443 譴 HIN2 reprimand, scold, abuse
3444 跎 TO4 slip, stumble, falter; vacilate
3445 跚 SAAN1 stagger, limp
3446 跤 GAAU1 stumble, fall down; wrestle
3447 蹉 CHO1 error, mistake, slip; failure
3448 蹋 DAAP6 step on, tread on; stumble, slip
3449 蹬 DANG6 step on, tread on; lose energy
3450 躉 DAN2 sell or buy wholesale; store
3451 躋 JAI1 ascend, go up, rise
3452 躬 GUNG1 body; personally, in person
3453 辟 BIK1 PIK1 law, rule; open up, develop
3454 邋 LAAP6 rags
3455 郡 GWAN6 administrative division
3456 酣 HAM4 enjoy intoxicants
3457 醺 FAN1 get drunk, be intoxicated
3458 釁 YAN3 smear with blood in sacrifice; rift, quarrel
3459 鈣 KOI3 calcium
3460 鈺 YUK6 rare treasure
3461 鉸 GAAU2 hinge; shears,scissors
3462 鋰 LEI5 lithium
3463 鏈 LIN6 chain, wire, cable; chain, shack
3464 鑲 SEUNG1 insert, inlay, set, mount; fill
3465 閨 GWAI1 small entrance; women's quarters
3466 閩 MAN5 fujian province; a river;a tribe
3467 閤 GAP3 HAP6 small side door; chamber; family
3468 隘 AAI3 narrow, confined; strategic pass
3469 雯 MAN4 cloud patterns,coloring of cloud
3470 鞦 CHAU1 leather stap; swing
3471 韆 CHIN1 swing
3472 顰 PAN4 frown, knit brows; with knitted
3473 馭 YU6 drive, ride; manage, control
3474 骷 FU1 skeleton
3475 骼 GAAK3 bone; skeleton; corpse
3476 髏 LAU4 skull; skeleton
3477 髹 YAU1 
3478 魆 YUT6 black
3479 鯉 LEI5 carp
3480 鱗 LEUN4 fish scales
3481 齋 JAI1 vegetarian diet; study
3482 丕 PEI1 great, grand, glorious, distinguished
3483 乒 BING1 PING1 used with pong for ping pong
3484 乓 BAM1 PONG1 used with ping for ping pong
3485 亙 GANG2 extend across, through; from
3486 仕 SI6 official; serve government
3487 伎 GEI6 talent, skill, ability
3488 伺 JI6 serve, wait upon, attend; examine
3489 佯 YEUI4 pretend, feign; false, deceitful
3490 佻 TIU1 TIU4 frivolous; unsteady; delay
3491 俞 YU4 surname; consent, approve
3492 倣 FONG2 imitate
3493 僕 BUK6 slave, servant, i
3494 冗 YUNG2 excessive; superfluous
3495 冽 LIT6 cold and raw; pure, clear
3496 凰 WONG4 female phoenix
3497 劾 HAT6 examine into, impeach, charge
3498 勻 WAN4 equal, impartially, uniform,even
3499 呃 AAK1 AK1 belch; hiccup
3500 呸 PEI1 expression! of reprimand
3501 咎 GAU3 fault, defect; error, mistake
3502 咂 JAAP3 to suck, to smack the lips
3503 哇 WA1 vomit; cry of an infant
3504 唁 YIN6 express condolence
3505 哺 BOU6 chew food; feed
3506 哮 HAAU1 cough; pant; roar
3507 哽 GANG2 choke
3508 喱 LEI1 gramme; syllable
3509 嗟 JE1 sigh, alas
3510 嚎 HOU4 cry loudly, yell, scream
3511 囪 CHEUNG1 CHUNG1 chimney, funnel
3512 囹 LING4 prison, enclosure
3513 囿 YAU6 pen up; limit, constrain
3514 圄 YU5 prison, jail
3515 圜 WAAN4 YUN4 circle, surround; encircle
3516 坍 TAAN1 collapse; landslide
3517 坷 HO2 clod of earth, lump of soil
3518 垣 WUN4 low wall
3519 壼 KWAN2 palace corridor or passageway
3520 妃 FEI1 wife, spouse; imperial concubine
3521 妾 CHIP3 concubine
3522 婪 LAAM4 covet; covetous, avaricious
3523 娼 CHEUNG1 prostitute, harlot
3524 婷 TING4 pretty; attractive; graceful
3525 嫖 PIU4 patronize prostitutes, frequent
3526 孀 SUNG1 widow
3527 孜 JI1 be as diligent as possible
3528 宛 YUN2 seem, as if, crooked
3529 寐 MEI6 sleep; be asleep
3530 屎 SI2 excrement, dung
3531 屹 NGAT6 to rise high; to stand erect
3532 嶄 JAAM2 high, steep, precipitous; new
3533 巍 NGAI4 high, lofty, majestic, eminent
3534 巢 CHAU4 nest, living quarter in tree
3535 庶 SYU3 numerous, various; multitude
3536 彊 GEUNG1 GEUNG6 KEUNG4 KEUNG5 stubborn, uncompromising
3537 彝 YI4 yi; tripod, wine vessel; rule
3538 彪 BIU1 tiger; tiger stripes; tiger-like
3539 徉 YEUNG4 wonder, rove, stray; hesitating
3540 徜 SEUNG4 walking and fro; lingering
3541 徬 PONG4 wander about, walk along side of
3542 忱 SAM4 truth, sincerity; sincere
3543 忑 TIK1 fearful; nervous; timid
3544 惻 CHAK1 feel anguish, feel compassion
3545 慫 SUNG2 to alarm; to instigate, arouse, incite
3546 憩 HEI3 rest, take rest
3547 戌 SEUT1 eleventh of terrestrial branches
3548 戮 LUK6 kill, massacre; oppress
3549 戳 CHEUK3 prick, stab; stamp, seal, chop
3550 捍 HON2 HON6 ward off, guard against, defend
3551 揍 JAU3 hit, beat; smash, break
3552 搗 DOU2 hull; thresh; beat, attack
3553 搥 CHEUI4 beat, pound; strike, tap out mes
3554 斡 WAT3 revolve, rotate, turn
3555 斧 FU2 axe, hatchet; chop, hew
3556 昭 CHIU1 bright, luminous; illustrious
3557 暉 FAI1 sunshine; light, bright, radiant
3558 暱 NIK1 intimate, close; approach
3559 曦 HEI1 sunlight, sunshine, early dawn
3560 杳 MIU5 obscure, dark, mysterious, deep
3561 栓 SAAN1 wooden peg, post or stick
3562 槐 WAI4 locust tree
3563 槳 JEUNG2 oar, paddle
3564 欖 LAAM5 olive
3565 殛 GIK1 to put to death to imprison for life
3566 殤 SEUNG1 die young; national mourning
3567 毓 YUK1 give birth to; bring up, educate
3568 氓 MAN4 MONG4 people; subjects; vassals
3569 沁 SAM3 soak into, seep in, percolate
3570 沌 DEUN6 chaotic, confused; turbid, murky
3571 沃 YUK1 water, irrigate; fertile, rich
3572 沼 JIU2 lake, fishpond, swamps
3573 泯 MAN5 destroy, eliminate; perish
3574 浙 JIT3 zhejiang province; river
3575 渦 GWO1 WO1 swirl, whirlpool, eddy
3576 溯 SOU3 go upstream, go against current; formerly
3577 滸 WU2 riverbank, shore
3578 滕 TANG4  county in shandong provin
3579 瀏 LAU4 clear; bright; whistling
3580 瀚 HON6 vast, wide, extensive
3581 炆 MAN1 
3582 烽 FUNG1 signal fire; tower where signal
3583 焰 YIM6 flame, blaze; glowing, blazing
3584 熊 HUNG4 bear; brilliant; bright; surname
3585 熨 TONG3 WAN6 WAT1 iron, press
3586 爿 BAAN2 CHEUNG4 half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90
3587 犁 LAI4 plow
3588 猿 YUN4 ape
3589 琉 LAU4 sparkling stone; glazed, opaque
3590 瑙 NOU5 agate; cornelian
3591 咖 GA3 coffee
3592 璧 BIK1 piece of jade with hole in it
3593 畝 MAU5 chinese land measure; fields
3594 畦 KWAI4 sections in vegetable farm
3595 疤 BA1 scar, cicatrix; birthmark
3596 疵 CHI1 CHI4 flaw, fault, defect; disease
3597 癒 YU6 get well, recover
3598 癥 JING1 obstruction of bowels
3599 皓 HOU6 bright, luminous; clear; hoary
3600 眯 MAI5 MEI1 be blinded
3601 睞 LOI6 squint at; sidelong glance
3602 睬 CHOI2 notice; pay attention to
3603 睨 NGAI6 look askance at, glare at;squint
3604 瞟 PIU5 glare at; look askance at, squin
3605 瞼 GIM2 eyelid
3606 矯 GIU2 correct, rectify, straighten out
3607 砵 BUT3 syllable
3608 碘 DIN2 iodine
3609 磕 HAP6 hit; collide, knock into; sound
3610 礁 JIU1 reef; jetty; submerged rocks
3611 祇 JI2 KEI4 only, merely, but
3612 祗 JI1 respect, look up to, revere
3613 稠 CHAU4 dense, crowded, packed; soupy
3614 稔 NAM5 ripe grain; harvest; know; famil
3615 稟 BAN2 report to, petition
3616 窟 FAT1 hole, cave; cellar; underground
3617 窣 SEUT1 to rush out of a den; rustling, wispering
3618 笈 KAP1 bamboo box used carry books
3619 笠 LAP1 bamboo hat; bamboo covering
3620 笫 DAI6 
3621 筐 KWAANG2 bamboo basket or chest
3622 筍 SEUN2 bamboo shoot; joint; tendon
3623 箸 JYU3 JYU6 chopsticks
3624 篆 SYUN6 seal script; seal,official stamp
3625 籟 LAAI6 bamboo flute; pipe;various sound
3626 紈 YUN4 white silk, fine silk; gauze
3627 紓 SYU1 loosen, relax, relieve; extricat
3628 絳 GONG3 deep red;river in shanxi provinc
3629 緋 FEI1 scarlet, dark red, crimson;purpl
3630 締 DAI3 tie, join, connect; connection
3631 緬 MIN5 distant, remote; think of
3632 緞 DYUN6 satin
3633 縝 JAN2 detailed, fine; closely woven
3634 繚 LIU4 wind round, rap around, bind
3635 缸 GONG1 earthen jug, crock, cistern
3636 罄 HING3 exhaust, run out, use up; empty
3637 羔 GOU1 lamb, kid
3638 翳 AI3 shade, screen; hide, screen
3639 耆 KEI4 man of sixty; aged, old
3640 肋 LAAK6 LAK6 ribs; chest
3641 胱 GWONG1 bladder
3642 腎 SAN5 kidneys; testes, gizzard
3643 腮 SOI1 lower part of face; jaw; gills of a fish
3644 腩 NAAM4 
3645 臀 TYUN4 buttocks
3646 臾 YU4 moment, instant, short while
3647 舵 TO4 TO5 rudder, helm
3648 艙 CHONG1 hold of ship; cabin
3649 茅 MAAU4 reeds, rushes, grass; surname
3650 茁 JYUT3 sprout, flourish; vigorous
3651 茹 YU4 roots; vegetables; eat; bear
3652 莠 YAU5 weeds, tares; undesirable, evil
3653 菠 BO1 spinach and similar greens
3654 菇 GU1 mushrooms
3655 蔗 JE3 sugar cane
3656 蕾 LEUI5 buds, unopened flowers
3657 薑 GEUNG1 ginger
3658 薛 SIT3 kind of marsh grass;feudal state
3659 藩 FAAN4 fence; boundary; outlying border
3660 虹 HUNG4 rainbow
3661 蜓 TING4 dragonfly
3662 蛻 SEUI3 TEUI3 molt, exuviate, shed
3663 蜻 CHING1 dragonfly
3664 蜥 SIK1 lizard
3665 蜘 JI1 spider
3666 袒 TAAN2 strip; lay bare; bared; naked
3667 褓 BOU2 swaddling cloth; infancy
3668 褥 YUK6 mattress, cushion; bedding
3669 襤 LAAM4 ragged, tattered, threadbare
3670 覷 CHEUI3 peep at; watch, spy on
3671 訛 NGO4 swindle, cheat; erroneous, wrong;
3672 詛 JO3 curse; swear, pledge
3673 諂 CHIM2 flatter, truckle, toady
3674 諫 GAAN3 remonstrate, admonish
3675 譟 CHOU3 clamor, noise, din; slander
3676 譭 WAI2 to slander; to defame
3677 踹 CHAAI2 trample, tread, kick
3678 踵 DUNG2 JUNG2 heel; follow; visit, call on
3679 踰 YU4 exceed, transgress; cross over
3680 蹙 CHUK1 urgent, suddenly; grieve, lament
3681 蹣 MUN4 to jump over; to limp
3682 蹺 HIU1 raise one's foot
3683 軋 GAAT3 JAAT3 crush by weight; grind
3684 逞 CHING2 indulge oneself; brag, show off
3685 逡 SEUN1 retreat, withdraw, fall back
3686 遐 HA4 afar, distant; old, advanced in
3687 遏 AAT3 stop, suppress, curb, check
3688 遼 LIU4 distant, far
3689 酌 JEUK3 serve wine; feast; deliberate
3690 酥 SOU1 butter; flaky, crispy, light, fluffy
3691 酢 CHOU3 JOK6 toast one's host with wine
3692 釆 BIN6 distinguish; radical no. 165
3693 鋤 CHO4 hoe; eradicate
3694 着 JEUK6 make move, take action
3695 鍍 DOU6 plate, coat, gild
3696 鍥 KIT3 sickle; cut, carve, engrave
3697 鏢 BIU1 dart, spear, harpoon; escort
3698 鏘 CHEUNG1 tinkle, clang, jingle
3699 鐐 LIU4 fetters
3700 阱 JING6 pitfall, trap, snare
3701 陝 SIM2 mountain pass; shaanxi province
3702 雍 YUNG1 harmony, union; harmonious; obst
3703 靖 JING6 pacify; appease; calm, peaceful
3704 靼 DAAT3 tartars
3705 韃 TAAT3 tatars
3706 韌 YAN6 strong and pliable, resilient
3707 颯 SAAP3 sound of wind; bleak; melancholy
3708 颳 GWAAT3 to blow
3709 飪 YAM6 cooked food;cook until well done
3710 飴 YI4 sweet-meats; sweet-cakes; syrup
3711 餒 NOI5 hungry, starving, famished
3712 餡 HAAM5 pastry filling, stuffing; secret
3713 駿 JEUN3 excellent horse, noble steed
3714 骯 HONG4 dirty
3715 鰭 KEI4 fin
3716 鳶 YUN1 kite
3717 鶩 MOU6 duck
3718 鶯 ANG1 oriole, green finch
3719 麾 FAI1 pennant, flag, banner; signal to
3720 鼾 HON4 HON6 snore loudly
3721 龜 GWAI1 turtle or tortoise; cuckold
3722 丞 SING4 assist, aid, rescue
3723 亟 GIK1 KEI3 urgently, immediately, extremely
3724 俚 LEI5 rustic, vulgar, unpolished; mean
3725 侷 GUK6 GUK6 narrow, cramped, confined
3726 俺 YIM3 personal pronoun, i
3727 僂 LAU4 humpback; surname
3728 兀 NGAT6 to cut off the feet
3729 冉 YIM5 tender; weak; proceed gradually
3730 剋 HAK1 subdue, overcome; cut down
3731 匡 HONG1 correct, restore, revise
3732 卉 WAI2 general term for plants; myriads
3733 占 JIM1 divine; observe; versify
3734 叻 LAK6 place names
3735 吭 HAANG1 HONG4 throat
3736 吮 SYUN5 suck with mouth, sip, lick
3737 呶 NAAU4 talkative; clamour; hubbub
3738 呤 LING4 purine in chem.compound/whisper
3739 咸 HAAM4 together; all, completely;united
3740 唷 YO1 final partical
3741 啕 TOU4 wail
3742 唬 FU2 to intimidate; to scare
3743 啁 JAU1 chirp, twitter, twittering
3744 睿 YEUI6 shrewd, astute, clever, keen
3745 喙 FUI3 beak, bill, snout; pant
3746 喎 WA1 a wry mouth
3747 嗨 HOI1 hi
3748 嗑 HAAP3 HOP6 eat seeds; reproach; loquacious
3749 嗆 CHEUNG1 choke by smoke; irritates nose
3750 嗒 TAP3 
3751 噎 YIT3 choke; hiccup
3752 噁 OK3 nastiness; nauseate: sickening
3753 噤 GAM3 close; be silent,be unable speak
3754 噠 DAAT6 sound made get horse move forwar
3755 嚶 YING1 seek friends; also used in onoma
3756 囫 FAT1 entire, whole
3757 圇 LEUN4 all, complete, entire
3758 壅 YUNG1 YUNG2 to obstruct
3759 嚟 LAI4 
3760 壑 KOK3 bed of torrent, narrow ravine
3761 奎 FUI1 stride of man; one of twenty-eig
3762 奠 DIN6 pay respect; settle
3763 姍 SAAN1 slander; ridicule; proceed slowly
3764 姘 PING1 illicit sexual relations
3765 姣 GAAU2 beautiful, handsome, pretty
3766 姥 LOU5 MOU5 maternal grandmother; midwife
3767 娥 NGO4 be beautiful; good; surname
3768 婀 O2 be beautiful, be graceful
3769 婢 PEI5 servant girl; your servant
3770 媲 PEI3 marry off, pair, match; compare
3771 嫋 NIU5 slender and delicate
3772 嬝 NIU5 delicate; graceful
3773 嬤 MA1 mother
3774 孑 KIT3 remaining, left-over; lonely
3775 孽 YIT6 evil; son of concubine; ghost
3776 宰 JOI2 to slaughter; to rule
3777 寇 KAU3 bandits, thieves; enemy; invade
3778 寮 LIU4 shanty, hut, shack
3779 岐 KEI4 high; majestic; fork in road
3780 岱 DOI6 daishan one of five sacred mount
3781 峙 SI6 stand erect, stand up; pile up
3782 崑 KWAN1 kunlun mountains in jiang su province.
3783 崔 CHEUI1 high, lofty, towering; surname
3784 嶂 JEUNG3 cliff; mountain barrier
3785 帖 TIP3 invitation card; notice
3786 帙 DIT6 book cover; satchel or bag
3787 幔 MAAM6 curtain, screen, tent
3788 廬 LOU4 hut, cottage; name of a mountain
3789 徽 FAI1 a badge, insignia
3790 怏 YEUNG2 YEUNG3 discontented, dispirited, sad
3791 怩 NEI4 shy, timid, bashful; look ashame
3792 怦 PING1 eager, ardent, impulsive;anxious
3793 恁 YAM6 that, like this, thus, so, such
3794 惦 DIM3 think of, remember, miss
3795 悼 DOU6 grieve, mourn, lament; grieved
3796 愜 HIP3 be satisfied, be comfortable
3797 愍 MAN5 pity, sympathize with
3798 啱 NGAAM1 (cantonese) correct, right
3799 憋 BIT3 to supress inner feeling; hasty
3800 懨 YIM1 feeble, sickly; tranquil, calm
3801 單 DAAN1 single, individual, only; lone
3802 戊 MOU6 fifth of ten celestial stems
3803 戾 LEUI6 perverse,recalcitrant,rebellious
3804 拌 PUN3 mix
3805 抿 MAN5 pucker up lips in smile; press
3806 拇 MOU5 thumb; big toe
3807 拷 HAAU2 torture and interrogate; hit
3808 捎 SAAU1 to select; to take; to carry
3809 捆 KWAN2 tie up; bind, truss up; bundle
3810 掬 GUK1 grasp with both hands; hold with
3811 掂 DIM1 heft, hold or weigh in palm
3812 掮 KIN4 to bear on the shoulders
3813 啲 DI1 (cantonese) a few
3814 揖 YAP1 salute, bow; defer to, yield
3815 搾 JA3 press, squeeze, extract
3816 搪 TONG4 ward off, evade; parry; block
3817 撂 LIU1 to leave (it)
3818 摹 MOU4 trace, copy, duplicate; pattern
3819 撬 GIU6 HIU3 lift, raise; open
3820 攘 YEUNG4 YEUNG5 seize, take by force; repel
3821 攙 CHAAM1 CHAAM4 give helping hand
3822 攣 LYUN4 tangled; entwined; crooked
3823 攸 YAU4 distant, far; adverbial prefix
3824 敝 BAI6 break, destroy; broken, tattered
3825 斃 BAI6 kill; die violent death
3826 旛 FAAN1 a pennant, a banner
3827 旭 YUK1 rising sun; brilliance; radiant
3828 喺 HAI2 (cantonese) to be located at
3829 昵 NIK1 intimate, close; approach
3830 晦 FUI3 dark, unclear, obscure; night
3831 曙 SYU5 bright, light of rising sun
3832 杏 HANG6 apricot; almond
3833 杞 GEI2 willow; medlar tree; feudal stat
3834 杭 HONG4 cross stream; navigate
3835 柵 CHAAK3 SAAN1 SAAN3 fence; palisade; grid
3836 枷 GA1 cangue scaffold
3837 栖 CHAI1 perch; roost; stay
3838 桎 JAT6 fetters, shackles, handcuffs
3839 梧 NG4 sterculia platanifolia
3840 梆 BONG1 watchman's rattle
3841 梏 GUK1 handcuffs, manacles, fetters
3842 棺 GUN1 coffin
3843 棱 LING4 squared timber; angle, edge
3844 榨 JA3 extractor of juices; a vegetable
3845 樞 SYU1 door hinge; pivot; center of pow
3846 橄 GAM3 olive
3847 樵 CHIU4 woodcutter; firewood;gather wood
3848 檀 TAAN4 sandalwood, hardwood; surname
3849 檄 HAT6 call arms; urgency
3850 櫛 JIT1 comb out; weed out, eliminate
3851 檳 BAN1 betelnut, areca nut
3852 殄 CHAN2 TIN5 to end; to exterminate
3853 殞 WAN5 die, perish; vanish; fall
3854 殯 BAN3 encoffin; embalm; funeral
3855 氨 ON1 amonia; hydrogen nitride
3856 氤 YAN1 hanging fog, misty
3857 氳 WAN1 life giving influences of nature; spirit of harmony; prosperity
3858 汀 TING1 sandbar, beach, bank, shore
3859 汔 NGAT6 
3860 汶 MAN6 a river in shandong province
3861 泌 BEI3 to seep out, excrete
3862 沽 GU1 buy and sell;inferior in quality
3863 泄 SIT3 leak; vent; flow; reveal
3864 洱 YI5 a lake in yunnan
3865 涸 KOK3 dried up; exhausted, tired; dry
3866 渤 BUT6 swelling; name of a sea gulf
3867 湮 YAN1 bury, sink, block up; stain
3868 渭 WAI6 name of a river in shaanxi
3869 湃 BAAI3 PAAI3 sound of waves; turbulent; chill
3870 淼 MIU5 
3871 漩 SYUN4 eddy, whirlpool
3872 漣 LIN4 flowing water; ripples; weeping
3873 漪 YI1 ripples on water; swirling
3874 潭 TAAM4 deep pool, lake; deep, profound
3875 潘 PUN1 surname; water from rinsing rice
3876 澇 LOU6 inundate, flood; torrent
3877 澍 SYU6 timely rain, life-giving rain
3878 濘 NING6 mud; miry, muddy, stagnant
3879 瀆 DUK6 ditch, sluice, gutter, drain
3880 瀕 BAN1 PAN4 approach, be on verge of; near
3881 灶 JOU3 kitchen range, cooking stove
3882 炊 CHEUI1 cook; meal
3883 炙 JEK3 JIK3 roast, broil; toast; cauterize
3884 烙 LOK3 brand, burn; branding iron
3885 煦 YU3 kind, gentle, gracious, genial
3886 煸 BIN1 
3887 熠 YAP1 bright and sparkling
3888 燉 DAN6 DEUN6 heat with fire; stew
3889 燎 LIU4 burn, set afire; illuminate; shi
3890 燠 YUK1 warm; warmth
3891 燼 JEUN6 cinders, ashes, embers; remnants
3892 爍 SEUK3 shine, glitter, sparkle
3893 狒 FEI6 baboon
3894 狡 GAAU2 cunning, deceitful, treacherous
3895 狽 BUI3 legendary animal with short fore
3896 狷 GYUN3 rash, impetuous, impulsive
3897 猖 CHEUNG1 mad, wild, reckless, unruly
3898 獗 KYUT3 unruly, wild, violent, lawless
3899 獷 GWONG2 fierce, rude, uncivilized
3900 玖 GAU2 black-colored jade
3901 單 DAAN1 single, individual, only; lone
3902 琵 PEI4 guitar-like instrument
3903 琶 PA4 guitar-like instrument
3904 琛 SAM1 treasure, valuables
3905 琦 KEI4 gem, precious stone, jade
3906 瑚 WU4 coral; person of virtue
3907 璀 CHEUI1 lustre of gems; glitter; shine
3908 璣 GEI1 pearl that is not quite round
3909 璨 CHAAN3 gems; luster of gems; lustrous
3910 瓊 KING4 jade; rare, precious; elegant
3911 疹 JAN2 measles; rash; fever
3912 痙 GING6 convulsions, fits
3913 瘁 SEUI6 feel tired, be weary,be worn out
3914 痺 BEI3 paralysis, numbness
3915 瘍 YEUNG4 ulcers, sores; infection
3916 瘖 YAM1 dumb, mute, unable speak
3917 瘠 JIK3 thin, emaciated; barren
3918 癸 GWAI3 last of ten celestial stems
3919 睏 KWAN3 be tired, sleepy
3920 瞽 GU2 blind; blind musician; stupid
3921 瞿 GEUI3 surname
3922 砧 JAM1 anvil; flat stone; exe
3923 砦 JAAI6 stockade, fort, military outpost
3924 硅 GWAI1 silicon
3925 礫 NIK1 gravel, pebbles
3926 竇 DAU6 surname; hole, burrow; corrupt
3927 竽 YU1 YU4 ancient woodwind instrument
3928 笙 SAANG1 small gourd-shaped musical instrument
3929 筷 FAAI3 chopsticks
3930 箋 JIN1 note, memo; stationery; comments
3931 篩 SAI1 sieve, filter, screen; sift
3932 簫 SIU1 musical instrument like pan-pipes, bamboo flute;
3933 籐 TANG4 climbing plants, vines, cane
3934 籬 LEI4 bamboo or wooden fence; hedge
3935 粟 SUK1 unhusked millet; grain
3936 紘 WANG4 string; vast, expansive
3937 絃 YIN4 string on musical instrument
3938 絢 HYUN3 variegated, adorned; brilliant
3939 絹 GYUN3 kind of thick stiff silk
3940 綏 SEUI1 soothe, appease, pacify; carriage harness
3941 綷 CHEUI3 
3942 縐 JAU3 crepe, crape, wrinkles, creases
3943 纓 YING1 chin strap; tassel; annoy, bothe
3944 罔 MONG5 net; deceive; libel; negative
3945 胺 ON1 amine
3946 脛 HING5 shinbone; calf of leg
3947 腴 YU4 fat; fertile, rich; plump, soft
3948 膾 KUI2 minced meat or fish
3949 舔 TIM2 lick with tongue; taste
3950 舷 YIN4 sides of boat, bulwarks, gunwale
3951 芋 WU6 taro
3952 芭 BA1 plantain or banana palm;fragrant
3953 芥 GAAI3 mustard plant; mustard; tiny
3954 苞 BAAU1 variety of rush; calyx of flower
3955 荀 SEUN1 surname; ancient state; plant
3956 莘 SAN1 long; numerous; a marsh plant whose root is used for medicine
3957 荳 DAU6 beans, peas; bean-shaped
3958 薔 CHEUNG4 rose
3959 薇 MEI4 osmunda regalis, species of fern
3960 藐 MIU5 disregard, slight, disdain
3961 蘑 MO4 type of edible mushroom
3962 蛀 JYU3 insects that eat books, clothes
3963 蜴 YIK6 lizard
3964 蜷 KYUN4 creep like worm, curl one's body
3965 蜮 WIK6 a fabulous creature like a turtle; a toad
3966 蝠 FUK1 kind of bat
3967 蝸 WA1 WO1 snail, eulota callizoma maritima
3968 蝙 BIN1 BIN2 bat
3969 蟒 MONG5 python, boa constrictor
3970 蠔 HOU4 oyster
3971 衢 KEUI4 highway; thoroughfare, intersect
3972 衾 KAM1 coverlet, quilt
3973 袛 DAI1 
3974 襁 KEUNG5 swaddling clothes
3975 襄 SEUNG1 aid, help, assist; undress
3976 襬 BAAI2 lower part of a robe
3977 覦 YU4 desire strongly, covet, long for
3978 覬 GEI3 covet, long for, desire
3979 訥 NAT6 NEUT6 slow of speech; mumble; stammer
3980 詆 DAI2 slander, comdemn, reproach
3981 誅 JYU1 execute, kill, put death; punish
3982 詬 GAU2 HAU2 abuse, scold, berate, insult
3983 詡 HEUI2 boast, brag; popular, well known; to flatter
3984 諉 WAI2 pass buck, lay blame on others
3985 諛 YU4 flatter, truckle
3986 諜 DIP6 intelligence report; spy; spying
3987 諳 AM1 versed in, fully acquainted with
3988 諶 SAM4 sincere, faithful; surname
3989 謔 YEUK6 jeer
3990 謗 PONG3 slander, libel
3991 嘞 LAK3 end particle. (cantonese)
3992 謳 AU1 sing; songs
3993 貳 YI6 number two
3994 貽 YI4 give to, hand down, bequeath
3995 賃 YAM6 rent, hire; hired person
3996 賸 SING6 leftovers, residue, remains
3997 贖 SUK6 buy, redeem; ransome; atone for
3998 赭 JE2 reddish brown; hematite; ochre
3999 趿 TAAT3 to tread on; slipshod
4000 跋 BAT6 go by foot; epilogue, colophon